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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Page 119   View pdf image (33K)
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of all the good people of this province do hereby
publish proclaim and declare that we will not take advantage of
any lapse of time either in proveing rights returning of
certificates or demanding grants or pattents of any lands
heretofore become due to any adventurer or planter within this
province provided such adventurer or planter their heirs or
assignes do within two years next after the date of these
presents make out and prove their former right title and claim
to any such lands and sue out their pattents as the case
shall require, and whereas divers adventurers into this
province have formerly taken up and surveyed severall
quantities of land within this province and afterwards upon
some dislike the same have lett fall and made use of their
rights in other parts of this our province after which other
adventurers not knowing of such former surveys have for
themselves surveyed and taken up the same lands being
rough and uncultivated by which their titles to the said land
are doubtfull we do further hereby publish proclaim and
declare that we will not take advantage of any such former
surveys nor of the common words in all warrants of survey
viz. " not formerly surveyed or taken up" and hereof we
strictly charge and command our chancellor, secretary and
all other our judges of this our province to take notice. Given
at St. Maries under the great seal of our province of
Maryland this third day of June in the first year of our
Dominion Annoque Dom. one thousand six hundred and seventy

        LIBER No. 19, page 459.


Att a Councill held at St. Maryes the 24th day of June Anne
        Dom. 1677.

    Whereas the governour and councill are informed that
there are severall persons that are seated within this province
on the sea board side and doe pretend to be under the
government of New York. Itt is therefore ordered that a special
warrant be granted to Mr. Wm. Stevens for eight thousand
acres of land to be proportioned out by him for the
encouragement of such as will seat there on the said sea board side,
and that such persons as seat there shall have seven years
liberty to make good rights for the said land, paying to his
lordship only the rent of two shillings sterling yearly for
every hundred acres. And further it is ordered that those that
seat nearest the Hoarkills shall have out of the said eight
thousand acres one thousand acres of land for a family, having in
it three working hands att the least and the rest of the eight
thousand acres to be proportioned out at five hundred acres
each family having in it two working hands at the least, provided

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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Page 119   View pdf image (33K)
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