method of taking up land by rights of transportation was
really liable to the frauds, abuses, and difficulties which this
proprietary discovered in it, or that he was impatient of a
system that brought no immediate profit, and began to be
unnecessary, he soon resolved upon an essential alteration in
the terms on which lands were obtainable by adventurers,
and stopping the receipt of any further proofs of rights
accruing from the mere act of coming into the country, he
demanded by new conditions of plantation a price in money
or its representative, tobacco, for the immediate purchase
of land, besides a perpetual quit rent as theretofore.
Without commenting upon this and other changes introduced at
the same epoch in the management of land affairs, I shall
insert here, in the course of their dates, all the conditions
of plantation and other documents of importance that fall
within the period under consideration. The chasm which will
be found in them after the year 1704 will presently be
accounted for in an additional historical sketch anticipated in
some degree by the last note attached to this Chapter.
" Whereas by the conditions of plantation formerly from
time to time published within this province by our dear
father of noble memory, all adventurers into this province
claiming any lands within this province for or in respect of
their transporting themselves their wives children or
servants into this province did and do stand obliged to make
their claim to and demand a pattent for all such lands within
one year next after such lands did or should from time to time
become due: and whereas for the ease and benefitt of all
adventurers into this province his lordship's governors
have heretofore commissionated divers persons, surveyors
and others to take the claims prove the rights and thereupon
grant warrants for surveying of land according to the said
conditions; with express commands, notwithstanding, to
return such their proceedings into the secretaries office there
to remain upon record: and forasmuch as the said persons
so commissionated as aforesaid have either neglected to
make returns as they by their commissions were
commanded or the clerks at the secretary's office have neglected to
enter the said returns by which the titles of divers of the
said adventurers to their land are dubious and questionable
and may hereafter be questioned to the great prejudice of
the inhabitants of this province in after times where things
of this nature cannot be made appear. We by the advice of
our counsill willing to settle the minds as well as the possessions
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