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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Page 117   View pdf image (33K)
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for the time being, and to enable him to continue his
fidelity, industry and diligence in his constant attendance and
employment in the said office, upon every grant of land
escheated unto us upon any the reasons aforesaid, the party
obtaining the same doe (besides his ordinary fees already
settled upon him by us and our council for petitions &c. the
attorney generall's fees and other officer's fees) pay and
Secure to be paid unto our said clerk the just quantity of four
hundred pounds of tobacco, and also upon the grant of any
surplussage to any person or persons suitors for the same in
manner aforesaid obtained the sum of ten pounds of tobacco in
every hundred pounds of tobacco the value bargained for, and
agreed to be paid for the same shall by the party obtaining
be paid unto our said clerk over and above the value
bargained for and agreed on as aforesaid.

    23. And for any other matter or thing which of our grace
and favour wee have usually granted and condescended unto,
and not herein before expressly mentioned and contained,
Wee will and do hereby give unto our said councellors full
power and authority to give grant and consent unto, in such
manner and forme as we have heretofore done by and with
the advice and consent of our privy council of this our
province: Provided such grants and acts of favour to be by
you made and passed in manner aforesaid infringe not too
much upon our prerogative or be too much injurious or
prejudiciall to our owne interest, rights and property, to which
we will that due respect, be upon all occasions had and

    Given at Mattapony Sewall under the greate seale of our
said province of Maryland the fifth day of May in the ninth
yeare of our dominion &c. Annoque Dom. one thousand six
hundred eighty and four."

    LIBER R. R. R. folio 93.


    The conditions of plantation, proclamations and
instructions that have hitherto been inserted are those only which
were issued by the original proprietary. From
circumstances in the history of the province, and from incidents
relating personally to the successive proprietaries, I have,
without at first designing any such arrangement, been led to
consider the entire duration of the provincial government
as divided into three periods;
¾the first ending with the
death of Cecilus lord Baltimore in 1675; the second with
that of his son and successor Charles in 1715; and the
third reaching to the American revolution in 1776. The
proceedings which have just been exhibited belong of course
to the second of those periods, but they form only a part of
the system of the new proprietary. Whether the original

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Kilty's Land-Holder's Assistant, and Land-Office Guide
Volume 73, Page 117   View pdf image (33K)
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