The following are the titles of the bills referred to relative
to Manors: no copies of them, or of those sent in by the
Proprietary are found on record, viz. a Bill for dividing the
Province; a Bill for bounding of Manors; a Bill for
assigning of Manors; a Bill for the order to be observed in the
assignments; a Bill for the peopling of Manors; a Bill for the
supporting of Manors; a Bill against aliening of Manors;
a Bill for Baronies; a Bill for the assigning of Freeholds; and
a Bill for the demesnes of the Lord Proprietary.
" Whereas certain lands and tenements holding of the
Manors hereunder named have ceased for these three years last
past, to pay the rent due to the Lord of the Manor
hereunder likewise named, and the last tenants have (as is said)
forsaken and deserted them nor can any distress be found
upon the lands or the tenements for the levying of the said rent
and arrears, These are therefore to summon the said several
tenants to pay the said rent and arrears and the charges of this
process unto the Lord of the Manor as aforesaid within 15
days after the setting up thereof, or else to be at the Court on
the fourth of February next by themselves or attorney to shew
cause why the said land should not escheat to the Lord of the
Manor as aforesaid, according to the law and custom of
England in such case.
St. Michael ¾One tenement of 100 acres
late in the tenure of Thomas
Butler deceased¾yearly rent
2 barrels corn and 2 capons¾
arrear 3 years ( 6 barrels corn
(12 capons.
St. Gabriel¾One other tenement late in
the tenure of Henry James,
In the Manor of deceased, of the same
quantity rent and arrear.
Trinity¾One other tenement of 100 acres
late in the tenure of John
Langford deceased the same
rent and arrear¾One other
tenement of 100 acres in the
tenure of Robert Smith¾the
same rent and arrear.
LIBER No. 1, fol. 206.
This notice was apparently put up at the Court House ¾the
name of the Lord of the Manor is not on the record¾but
these Manors were granted to Leonard Calvert. It is the
only instance of the kind that has been discovered, which shews
that the escheat claimed in this case for non-payment of rent
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