" accordingly. Given under my hand this 28th day
" of June Anno Domini, 1731.
" To Philemon Lloyd Esq. Dep'ty Sec'ry
" of Maryland, THIS
" In pursuance of the above order a Reserve is hereby
" made for and to the use of his said lordship on all vacant
" lands rough or cultivated, and on all lands that are
" or may become escheatable or any ways forfeit to his
" Lordship adjoining to any of his Honours Manors, or lands,
" or within the distance of three miles from them or any
" of them."
" To all concerned."
LIBER E. E. folio 64.
" Mr. Lawson,
" Enter a Reserve for his Lordship of all the Lands
" contained within the bounds of his Lordship's Manor on
" the north side of Severn River, in A. A. County which are
" not already affected by the location of any Warrants and
" by any Patent now in force.
April 28th, 1733. EDM: JENNINGS.
April 28th, 1733. ¾" Pursuant to the above order from
" Hon'ble Edmund Jennings Esq. Secretary of this Province
" of Maryland and Chief Judge of his Lordship's land
" affairs a Reserve is hereby made." &c. as before."
LIBER E. E. folio 301.
" Orders by Daniel Dulany Esq. Chief Agent &c. for
reserve of particular tracts escheated to the Proprietary."
LIBER E. E. folio 371 ¾392.
" Order from the same for Reserve of all the Cypress
Swamp in Somerset County not taken up and half a mile
round it." ¾July 4, 1734.
LIBER No. E. E, folio 432.
" Order from the same for reserve of 500 acres part of
Portland Manor provided that Skipwith Cole who is
acknowledged to have a right of pre-emption as being the
discoverer that the said land is escheat does not purchase it to his
own use. The land not to be surveyed for any person
except the said Skipwith Cole without special directions from
the Chancellor and Secretary ¾they being first apprised of
this Reserve."
LIBER E.E. folio 470.