Stephen, 80, 288, 322
Thomas, 287
Cecil County:
Agent appointed, 20, 24
Associate Justices appointed, 165, 167
Clerk appointed, 87
Commissioners of the Tax appointed, 74
Coroners appointed, 259
County Court fines levied, 158, 159, 178,
237, 260, 262
County Court judges appointed, 67
Elections, 318
Justices of the Peace appointed, 169, 238,
310. 317. 331
Letters delivered to, 7
Orphans Court Judges appointed, 67, 166,
167, 175,246,265,268
Petition, 47-48, 158, 178, 237, 260, 262
Sale of property in, 20, 24
Sheriff, 225, 309, 319
Tax Collector, 47
Cedar Point Warehouse, Charles County, 8o,
Celler, John, 44, 68, 171, 199, 313, 315
Center New Georgetown Warehouse, Mont-
gomery County, 254
Center Warehouse, Montgomery County, 320
Central Warehouse, Montgomery County, 175
Certificates, Exchange of, 324, 326
Certificates, Issuance of, 330
Certificates of Depreciation, xii, 156, 157, 239,
240, 242ff., 257ff., 264, 272ff., 279, 283ff.,
298, 299, 301ff., 305
Chaille, Peter, 166, 167, 195
Chamberlaine, Samuel, 74
Chancellor, Election of, 49, 5 1
and officer's qualification, 319
Qualification as, 51
Salary as, 22, 43
Register in, 168
Chancery Court Proceedings, 188, 206
Chancery Office records, Transcription of, 168,
Chandler, Walter S., 212
Channell, Jno., 120
Chapline, Joseph, 44
Chapman, Henry Hendley, 69, 170, 227, 230,
Chappelear, James, 227
Chaptico Warehouse, St. Mary's County, 80,
288, 322
Charleton, John Usher, 242
Charles County:
Associate Justices appointed, 165, 167, 265,
Collector of Taxes, 15
Commissioners of the Tax appointed, 74
Coroner appointed, 229
County Court fines, 25, 54, 139, 219, 259,
266, 355
County Court justices appointed, 69
Express rider to, 306
Inspectors appointed, 8o, no, 213-214, 225,
253, 269, 275, 324, 325
Justices of the Peace appointed, 241, 312, 315
Lands surveyed in, 272
Letters and dispatches carried to, 106
Orphans Court judges appointed, 13, 69,
166, 167, 216
Overseers of the Roads, 137, 267
Petition, 25, 34, 137, 224, 228ff., 259, 267
Powder Mill built, 272
Sheriff contested election, 224, 225, 227ff.
Surveyor appointed, 346
Tobacco inspected, 158, 160, 205
Chase, Jeremiah Townley, 51, 98, 120, 223, 271
Samuel, 45, 51, 70, 89, 108, 173, 218, 223,
231, 242, 245, 247, 252, 255, 271, 292,
3ooff., 306, 323, 337, 352
Chesley, John, 76, 170
Robert, 74
Chestertown, Kent County, 48, 260
Cheston, James, 295
Chew, Elizabeth, 283
Nathaniel, 120, 283
Samuel, 76, 165, 167
Chickamuxon Warehouse, Charles County, 80,
Chief Justices, Appointment of:
see under individual districts
Childs, Cephas, 15, 187
George, 351
St. Julien R., xiii
Chilton, Charles, 121, 170, 248, 285, 314
Chisholme, A., 124
Chline, Susanna, 292
Chocke, George, 126
John, 126
Choptank Bridge Warehouse, Caroline County,