Byus, Joseph, 312, 315
Standley, 240, 311, 316
Calder, James, 119
Calhoun, James, 11, 75, 76, 89, 96, 166, 167,
170, 172, 175, 183, 245ff., 256, 312, 320,
322, 352
Callahan, Bartholomew, 239
John, 52, 209, 255, 265
Callender, William, 118
Calvert County:
Associate Justices appointed, 165, 167, 313,
Collector of Taxes, 4, 13
Commissioners of the Tax appointed, 74, 81
Coroners appointed, no, 159
County Court fines levied, 354
County Court judges appointed, 76
Inspectors appointed, 8o
Justices of the Peace appointed, 170, 241,
3r2, 315
Orphans Court judges appointed, 76, 167,
Petition, 2 1 7, 354
Sheriff elected, 225
Tobacco inspected, 158, 160, 205
Calwell, Sam'l., 118
Camden, Battle of, 240, 259
Cameron, John, 117, 120
Campario, John, 244
Campbell, Aeneas, 78, 171, 198, 248, 313, 315,
James, 284
Johnson, 124
William, 4, 77, 100, 163, 165, 167, 182, 184ff.,
Capt. William, 70, 71, 89, 92, 202, 278
Camphin, John, 162
Cannon, William, 124
Cannon, Cost of, 291
Cannon powder transported, 102
Canter, William, 124
William, Jr., 123, 124
Carback, John, 274
Cardiff (Negro), 56
Carey, Barney, 186
John D., 114
Carman, John, 310
Carnan, Charles, 74
Carnes, Peter, 212
Caroline County:
Agent appointed, 24, 34
Associate Justices appointed, 165, 167, 326,
Commissioners of the Tax appointed, 75
Complaint, 325, 326, 331, 335, 337
Coroners appointed, 239
County Court fines levied, 236
County Court judges appointed, 68
Inspectors appointed, 93
Justices of the Peace appointed, 169, 239,
Letters delivered to, 7
Orphans Court judges appointed, 68, 166,
167, 246
Petition, 236
Sheriff, 225, 236
Surveyor, 63, 66, 308, 325, 326, 331, 335,
337, 338
Tobacco inspected, 158
Carpenter, William, 8o, 288, 322
Carr, Andrew, 124, 125
Overton, 320
Carradine, Thomas, 116
Carroll, Charles, of Carrollton, 118
Eleanor, Mrs. William, 275
Henry H., 298
James, 183, 277, 278
Nicholas, 165, 167, 254, 255
Peter, 125
William, 275
Carson, Philemon, 331
Philip, 335
Carswell, Jno., 117, 120, 121
Carter, Josias, 28, 126, 128
Solomon, 279
"Carters Discovery," Baltimore County, 279
Carterer, Charles, 210
Cartwright, John, 16, 56, 313, 315
Caruthers, John, 283
Casey, John, 283
Castagnet, Paul, 294
Gather, George, 117, 120
John, 115, 117, 120
Cato, George, 228
Caton, William, 251
Cattle, Value of, 156
Causin, Gerard Blackiston, 74
Cawood, Benjamin, 126, 219, 224, 225, 227ff.,