Christie, Gabriel, 69, 75, 166, 167, 171, 246,
296, 297, 312
Robert, 266, 342
Christison, William, 113
Chunk, John, 21, 351
Cissall, John Baptist, 274
Nicholas, 274
Citizen, Morris, 83
Citizenship, xii
see also Naturalization
Clagett, Alexander, 44, 68, 75, 114, 166, 167,
171, 199, 246, 268, 295, 313, 315
Charles, 188, 253, 321
Richard, 79, 83
Thomas, 76, 170, 248
Walter, 319
Claggett, Charles, 78
Claims, Settlement of, 14, 85, 108, 118, 126,
138, 142, 148, 156, 193, 195
Clare, John, 76, 170, 241, 312, 315
Clark, Bayles Earles, 355
David, 65
James, 29
Joseph, 1, 22, 23, 267, 285, 289, 297, 323,
336, 344, 356
Joshua, 311,316
L., 123
Leonard, 120
Richard, 80
Samuel, 127
Stephen, 19, 99, 190, 323
Thomas, 39, 166, 167, 313
William, 128
Clarke, George, 87
Robert, 125
Thomas, 246
Claypoole, Jas., 166, 168, 169, 191, 246, 248,
Clayton, Solomon, 248
Clements, Francis, 230
Francis, of Jno., 228
Francis Thomas, 230
Henry, 225, 230
Clendenning, James, 127
Clerk of the Court of Appeals, xii
Salary paid, 194, 307
Clerk of the General Court, 184
Clerk of the House of Delegates:
Salary paid, 77, 140, 234, 309, 333, 344, 357
Clerk of the Senate:
Salary paid, 34, 86, 89, 107, 145, 209, 234,
255, 272, 298, 300, 329
Clerk to Agent:
Appointment, 184
Salary paid, 212, 226
Clerk to the Council:
Appointment of, 59, 154, 301
Salary paid to, 25, 87, 102, 130, 174, 200,
Clerks of Court
see under specific name of court
C10thes, Cost of, 109
Coale, Philip, 118, 120, 121, 123, 127, 128
Richard, 125, 283
Samuel S., 298
Thomas, 123, 125
William, 127
Cockey, Edward, 11, 76, 170, 172, 256, 312,
320, 322
Joshua, 256, 312, 320, 322
Cockindall, Elijah, 75
Cockran, John, 76
Coe, William, 109, 189, 331
Cole, Charles, 323
Christopher, 227
Elijah, 239
Ezekiel, 124
Joseph, 210
Mary, 25
Richard, 279
Thomas, 77, 122, 170, 251, 312, 315
Thomas, Jr., 72
Coles Warehouse, St. Mary's County, 8o, 218,
226, 288, 322
Coleston, Thomas, 5
Collectors of Taxes:
see under specific county
Collett, Moses, 125
Colloch, Jacob, 301
Philip, 301
Comegys, Alphonso, 211
Jacob, 332
Nathaniel, 74, 123
Comes, Charles, 228, 230
Commissioners of the Tax appointed, 73-75
Commissioners to dispose of lands westward
of Fort Cumberland, 8
Commissions, Payment of, 17
Commissions issued:
see under particular office