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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1789-1793
Volume 72, Page 301   View pdf image (33K)
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"14 Nov. 1791—11 Nov. 1793" 301

[p. 156] before Samuel Chase Esquire Chief Judge of the General Court, by taking the
several Oaths required by the Constitution and Form of Government and Laws of this State
and making and subscribing a Declaration of their belief in the Christian Relegion: Certificate
thereof filed.

Thomas Johnson junior was appointed Clerk, who qualified as such before Samuel Chase
Esquire Chief Judge of the General Court, and Certificate thereof filed.

Jubb Fowler appointed messenger.

The Auditor is requested to issue a Certificate for the Depreciation of pay to John Strachen
late of the second troop of Light Dragoons in Lee's Legion, commencing the 23 of May 1778
to the 1st of August 1780, and deliver the same to the Treasurer of the western shore who is
ordered to pay it to the said John Strachen.

The said Treasurer is requested to issue a Certificate for the Depreciation of pay to David
Lawler, late a private in the third Maryl'd Regiment, and deliver the same to the Treasurer of
the western shore, who is ordered to pay it to John Madding of John by Virtue of a power of
Att'y from Sally Ann Lawler, Sister and Administratix of the said David Lawler.

[p. 157] Friday 16th. November 1792

The Council met.

Pres't His Excellency the Governor

Mr Brice

Mr Ridgely

Mr Davidson

William Pinkney Esquire appeared in the Council room, and qualified before Samuel
Chase Esq'r. Chief Judge of the General Court, by taking the several Oaths required by the
Constitution and Form of Government and Laws of this State, and making and subscribing a
Declaration of his belief in the Christian Relegion [sic] and Certificate thereof filed.

The Auditor is requested to issue a Certificate for the Depreciation of pay to Cornelius
Downey late a private in the seventh Maryland Regiment and deliver the same to the Treasurer
of the western shore who is ordered to pay it to Esther Downey Widow and Administratrix of
the said Cornelius.

The said Auditor is requested to issue a Certificate for the Depreciation of pay to Philip
Colloch late of the German Regiment to the fourth of October 1777 and deliver the same to the
Treasurer of the western shore, who is ordered to pay it to Jacob Colloch brother and Admin-
istrator of the said Philip.

[p. 158] The said Auditor is requested to issue a Certificate for the Depreciation of pay to
Thomas Taylor late of the second Maryland Regiment to the 1st of October 1778, and deliver
the same to the Treasurer of the western shore, who is Ordered to pay it to George Roberts
Administrator of the said Thomas Taylor.

Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Colo. John H Stone Thirty seven pounds,
ten shillings for one quarter's Salary as a member of the Council ending the 1st instant,

That the said Treasurer pay to the said Colo. John H Stone Forty two pounds three
shillings and nine pence for three Months half pay due the 1st instant,

That the said Treasurer pay to Thomas Jones Esquire One hundred pounds for half a
year's Salary as one of the Judges of the Court of Appeals due the 1st instant,


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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1789-1793
Volume 72, Page 301   View pdf image (33K)
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