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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1789-1793
Volume 72, Page 300   View pdf image (33K)
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300 "Journal of the Council"

That the said Treasurer pay to Samuel Chase Esquire One hundred and fifty pounds for
one quarter's Salary as Chief Judge of the General Court due the 1st instant.

Friday 9th. November 1792

The Council met.

Present as on yesterday.

Peter Engels having represented to the Board, that the roof of the Magazine in [p.
152] Frederick town, has been much injured by the late storm. Resolved that the said
Engels be authorised to employ Workmen, and put the roof of the said Magazine in complete
repair, observing at the same time oeconomy in the execution of the Work.

Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Peter Engels sixty two pounds ten
shillings, half a year's Salary as Armourer at Frederick town due the 6th instant,

That the said Treasurer pay to Henry Ridgely Esq'r. Fifteen pounds for half a year's
Salary as Clerk of the Senate due the 1st instant.

Saturday 10th. November 1792

The Council met.

Present as on yesterday.

Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Christopher Richmond Esq'r. Two
hundred and fifty four pounds, four shillings and seven pence for one quarter's Salary due to
him, John Wright, and John Hannah the 1st instant, and for Contingent Expences per Account
passed by the Auditor.

[p. 153] [This page is blank.]
[p. 154] [This page is blank.]

[p. 155] On the second Monday and twelfth day of November in the year seventeen
hundred and ninety two, the General Assembly of Maryland, proceeded, agreeably to the Con-
stitution and form of Government, to the choice of a Governor when Thomas Sim Lee Esquire
was unanimously elected and the same day qualified in the Senate room in presence of the
Members of both Houses of the Legislature, by taking the several Oaths required by the Con-
stitution and Form of Government, and Laws of this State, and making and subscribing a
Declaration of his belief in the Christian Relegion [sic]

On Tuesday the thirteenth Day of the same Month, the following Gentlemen were elected
Members of the Council to the Governor, to wit

James Brice

John Kilty

Henry Ridgely

John Davidson

William Pinkney Esquires

Thursday 15th. November 1792

James Brice

Henry Ridgely and

John Davidson Esquires attended in the Council room, and were severally qualified


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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1789-1793
Volume 72, Page 300   View pdf image (33K)
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