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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1789-1793
Volume 72, Page 298   View pdf image (33K)
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298 "Journal of the Council"

[p. 145] Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to John Davidson Esq, Thirty
seven pounds, ten shillings for one quarter's Salary as a Member of the Council,

That the said Treasurer pay to Tho. Johnson jun'r One hundred and eighty seven pounds
ten shillings due him this Day for three quarter's Salary as Clerk of the Council,

That the said Treasurer pay to Robert Denny Fifty pounds for one quarter's Salary as
Auditor due this Day,

That the said Treasurer pay to Jubb Fowler Eighteen pounds, fifteen shillings for one
quarter's Salary as a Messenger to the Council, and keeper of the State House due this day.

Whereas it appears to the Board on the Petition of Mark Alexander, that he became the
purchaser of a parcel of Land of the State, and bonded therefore on the 7th October 1783 with
Nicholas Norwood and George Welsh his Securities for the sum of four hundred and forty eight
pounds, sixteen shillings and three pence and that the said Petitioner and his Securities are
insolvent, by which Petition the said Mark Alexander prays to be discharged from the said
Purchase with his Securities—it is thereupon ordered that the said [p. 146] Mark
Alexander be discharged from his said purchase, and the said bond cancelled, on his executing a
Surrender of the said Land to the State.

Saturday 3d. November 1792

The Council met.
Present The Governor

Mr Brice

Mr Ridgely

Mr Davidson

The Auditor is requested to issue a Certificate for the Depreciation of pay to Alexander
Scott late a Serjeant in the fourth Maryland Regiment and deliver the same to the Treasurer of
the western shore, who [is] ordered to pay it to the said Scott.

The following Bonds taken by Randolph B. Latimer Esq'r Agent are approved—

Thomas Armstrong with Henry Robinson Security for £ 30 dated June 16 1792

John F. Amelung and George Schneztzel and James Labes £ 1000 June 16.

Edmund Stansbury and Edward Bosnian £ 30:15:0 June 20.

William Davis and Edm'd Stansbury and Jacob Marshall £ 163:16:6 June 20.

John McFadon and William McFadon £511:8:10 July 17th.
[p. 147] Benjamin Griffith and David McMeehen for £125:17:4 July 27 1792

Jacob Raisin and James Ringgold £ 660 :6:8 July 20th

Samuel S. Coale and William Goodwin—£ 250 August 30th.

Elizabeth Nicholson and Joseph H. Nicholson £ 8oo:10:1 September 18th.

Samuel Hughes and Thomas Sim Lee £ 106:6 :4 September 20th.

Isaac Redgrave and Joseph Redgrave J Holding and G. V. Mann £ 344:8 :6 October 6th

Brittingham Dickeson and Peter Sharp—225:14:8 October 19th

Henry Stevenson and Joshua Stevenson and Ezekiel Towson f 221 :1 2 October 26th

Luther Martin and Lenon Martin (Fred, town) £ 290. May 31, 1792

Thomas Johnson jun'r and Maj. John Davidson £ 28:12 :o July 27th.

Ignatius Jenkins and Henry H Carroll and Aquila Gassaway £ 1360:16:0 October 15th

Same ... and ... same £ 180:13:6 Oct. 15.

John Kid Wilson and Asael Wilson and Ezekiel Hopkins, £ 301—October 15th.


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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1789-1793
Volume 72, Page 298   View pdf image (33K)
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