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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1789-1793
Volume 72, Page 297   View pdf image (33K)
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"14 Nov. 1791—11 Nov. 1795" 297

Given in Council at the City of Annapolis under the Seal of the State of Maryland this
thirty first Day of October in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and
ninety two.

Tho S. Lee

T Johnson Jr. Cl'k Co'l

By his Excellency Thomas Sim Lee Esquire Governor of Maryland

A Proclamation

Whereas the General Assembly of Maryland did, by an Act passed at November Session
seventeen [p. 143] hundred and ninety entitled An "act directing the times, places and
Manner of holding elections for Representatives of this State in the Congress of the United
States and for appointing Electors on the part of this State for choosing a President and Vice-
president of the United States, and for the regulation of the said Elections, and also to repeal
the Act of Assembly therein mentioned," direct the Governor and Council after having
received the returns, papers and instruments containing the number of votes for each Candidate
for Representatives of this State in the Congress of the United States, should enumerate and
ascertain the number of Votes for each and every Candidate, and person chosen as Representa-
tives and by Proclamation signed by the Governor and dispersed through the State, declare the
names of the Persons duly elected as Representatives—We, in Pursuance of the directions of
the said Act, do by this our Proclamation declare that by the Returns made to Us it appears that
George Dent, John Francis Mercer, Uriah Forrest, Thomas Sprigg, Samuel Smith, Gabriel
Christie, William Hindman and William Vans Murray Esquires are duly elected Representa-
tives of this State in the Congress of the United States.

Given in Council at the [p. 144] City of Annapolis under the Seal of the State of
Maryland this thirty first Day of October in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred
and ninety two.

Tho. S. Lee

By his Excellencys Command

T. Johnson Jr Sec'y
God save the State

Thursday 1st. November 1792

The Council met.
Present Mr Brice

Mr Ridgely

Mr Davidson

Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Joseph Clark Fifty pounds on Account of
Thomas Dance's Contract to plaister the Dome of the Stadt House,

That the said Treasurer pay to Joseph Clark Thirty pounds on Account, for his Super-
intendance of the work on the State house, and also the further sum of twenty one pounds
fourteen shillings for paper purchased of him for the use of the Council,

That the said Treasurer pay to James Erice Esq'r. Thirty seven pounds, ten shillings for
a quarter's salary as a Member of the Council.


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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1789-1793
Volume 72, Page 297   View pdf image (33K)
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