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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1789-1793
Volume 72, Page 296   View pdf image (33K)
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296 "Journal of the Council"

No. 4. 5. 8. 10.14. 15. 16. and 17 containing 2128 3/4 Acres—No. 9 and 11—315 1/2 Acres—
No. 12—186 1/4 Acres and No. 7—185 1/2 Acres containing in the whole 2816 Acres of Land,
that he did not purchase the said Land, nor authorise any person to do it for him. He therefore
requests that the said Land charged to him as aforesaid may be taken back and resold for
the benefit of the State. The Board being satisfied that the facts above stated are true and
being also well assured that he is unable to pay any part of the sum above mentioned, do
order and direct that the Agent take the same lots into his possession, and that the said
Stephen Steward make a legal Surrender of the same to the State.

Saturday 27th. October 1792

The Council met.

Present Mr Brice

Mr Ridgely
Mr Davidson

[p. 141] Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to William Gilmour Thirty seven
pounds ten shillings on Account.

Monday 29th. October 1792

The Council met.
Present as on Saturday.

Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to John Gwinn Esquire Two hundred and
fifty three pounds, one shilling and six pence due him per Account passed by the Auditor.

Wednesday 31st. October 1792

The Council met.

Present the Governor
Mr Brice
Mr Ridgely
Mr Davidson

The State of Maryland

In Council October 31st. 1792

The Board being in possession of Returns from the several Counties and the City of
Annapolis and Baltimore town within this State of the Election lately held for the choice
of Representatives in the Congress of the United States proceeded agreeably to the direction
of the Acts of [p. 142] Assembly in such case made and provided, to enumerate and
ascertain the votes given for each person voted for as aforesaid, when it appeared that George
Dent, John Francis Mercer, Uriah Forrest, Thomas Sprigg, Samuel Smith, Gabriel Christie,
William Hindman, and William Vans Murray Esquires had the greatest number of votes,
wherefore it is declared that the said George Dent, John Francis Mercer, Uriah Forrest,
Thomas Sprigg, Samuel Smith, Gabriel Christie, William Hindman and William Vans
Murray are duly elected Representatives of this State in the Congress of the United States.


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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1789-1793
Volume 72, Page 296   View pdf image (33K)
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