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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1789-1793
Volume 72, Page 295   View pdf image (33K)
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"14 Nov. 1791—11 Nov. 1793" 295

Whereas it appears to the Board on the Petition of John McLure, that at the Sale of the
Principio Company's property on the 7th October 1783 a certain Archibald McAlister bid
Seven pounds, five shillings per acre for lot No 27 containing 13172 Acres of Land, and that
the same was struck off to him as the highest bidder, and that the Commissioners by the
directions of the said McAlister charged the same to the said John McLure, and it appearing
also that the said John McLure had not authorised the said A. McAlister to make the said
purchase on his account, it is therefore ordered that the said John McLure be released from
the said Purchase, and that he execute a Surrender of the same lot to the State.

Whereas it appears to the Board on the Petition of Priscilla Robey late widow of
John B. Wathen that the said Wathen did on the 16th Day of October in the Year 1781
purchase [p. 138] of the State certain Lands lying in Zachariah Manor in Charles
County as follows to wit the reversion of a lease granted to John Moreland on the 25th of
January 1744 for 76 Acres of Land, also fourteen Acres of vacancy adjoining said lease, that
the aforesaid 76 Acres were at the time of the purchase and still are, incumbered with the life
of a certain Zachariah Moreland so that neither the Petitioners late Husband nor herself
since his Death, have received one shilling for the same, And it further appearing that it
would involve the Petitioner and her Children, and the surviving security in ruin to exact
the payment for the said lands, the said Petitioner being very poor, It is therefore ordered that
that said Priscilla Robey and the securities of her said Husband be hereby released from
the said Purchase and that the said Property be received for the use of the State.

Thursday 25th. October 1792

The Council met.
Present Mr Brice

Mr Stone

Mr Davidson

Thomas Hart having refused to [p. 139] act as a Justice of the Orphans Court
of Washington County—Hanson Briscoe was appointed, and

Commission issued to Alexander Clagett, Ignatius Taylor and Hanson Briscoe Justices
of the Orphans Court of the County aforesaid.

Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Jacob Lampson Seventy three pounds,
fifteen shillings Current Money to be by him paid over to Mess'rs Goddard and Angell
Printers in Baltimore due them on Account passed by the Auditor General.

Friday 26th. October 1792

The Council met.

Present as on yesterday.

Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to James Cheston Two hundred and
seventy pounds Current Money recovered at October term instant from the State of Maryland
by Mary Nicholson Administratrix with the Will annexed of Benjamin Nicholson for the
use of the said James Cheston as per Account passed by the Auditor General.

Whereas it is represented by Stephen Steward of Ann Arundel County that he stands
charged on the Books of the [p. 140] Commissioners for the sale of Confiscated
property the sum of Four thousand three hundred and seventy six pounds, six shillings and
three pence for the following Lots of Land part of the Nottingham Company's property viz


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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1789-1793
Volume 72, Page 295   View pdf image (33K)
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