"14 Nov. 1791—11 Nov. 1793" 261
do order and direct that the said fine of two thousand pounds of Tobacco be- remitted upon
payment of Forty shillings Current Money and all Costs.
James Brice
H. Ridgely
J. Davidson
In Council April 4, 1792
On the Petition of Barton Moore of Montgomery County setting forth that in the year
seventeen hundred and eighty nine, he was [p. 55] appointed Overseer of the roads,
that a subsequent adjourned Court he carried in his warrant and prayed the Court to release
him from the Duties of the Office, and make another appointment being obliged to change his
place of residence, at which time he was directed by the Court to continue in his place under the
said Warrant until the next March Court, and if he would then apply they would take in his
Warrant and discharge him and that the said Petitioner did at March Court apply to be dis-
charged, that his Warrant was taken in by the Court, and that he was discharged, that the
Grand Jury at their next sitting found a presentment against him for not repairing the roads,
and the entry of his discharge not appearing which had been omitted by the neglect of the Clerk,
whereupon he was fined as the Law directs. And the above facts being verified by one of the
Justices of the Peace of the said County who was one of the Court who discharged the Peti-
tioner from his appointment, and it appearing that a sufficient number of Justices have signed
his recommendation for relief, The Board do therefore order and direct that the said fine be
remitted upon the payment of Costs.
James Brice
H. Ridgely
John Davidson
[p. 56] In Council April 4th. 1792
The Petition of Samuel Adams of Baltimore County being laid before the Board setting
forth that he formerly had a licence, and kept a taven but having declined it for some Months on
Account of his removing from the house he had lived in, and afterwards having rented a house
suitable for the purpose he could not obtain Money at the beginning of the Court to take out
licence, and the said Court breaking up sooner than he expected he was disappointed in procur-
ing it, that having taken a house at a very high rent he was under the necessity of selling liquors
to support his family intending to take out licence the next term and pay in proportion for the
time he kept tavern, that at November term 1791 he was fined by Baltimore County Court of
Oyer and Terminer and Goal delivery Six hundred pounds of Tobacco and thirty shillings—that
he is a poor Man with a large family to maintain, and unable to pay the said fine, A Certificate
from the Clerk of the fine, and a recommendation from three of the Justices for a remission
thereof, the Board on account of his poverty are induced to remit the said fine and do order and
direct a remission accordingly, the Costs being first paid.
James Brice
H. Ridgely
John Davidson