260 "Journal of the Council"
for selling liquors without licence which also appears by transcripts from the said Court, he
represents that he was ignorant of the breaking up of the Court so soon, and did apply to the
Court following but could not obtain a licence; he also sets forth that he is advanced in years,
has a wife and several small Children, and that he is unable to pay the fines, and the Chief
Justice and three other Justices of the said Court together with several respectable inhabitants
of Baltimore having recommended a Remission of his fines, the Board do order and direct that
the same be remitted upon paying all the Costs arising thereon.
James Brice
H. Ridgely
John Davidson
In Council April 4. 1792
Whereas it appears by the representation of the Chief Justice and the two Associates of
Caecil County, that Henry Cleyland Baker of said County at October term seventeen hundred
and eighty nine did apply to the said Court for a licence to keep Tavern at a place called long
Creek, which was granted to him, and that he paid the sum of Six pounds five shillings being
the sum prescribed for one year's keeping of a Tavern, and that Whereas the Laws of this
State at [p. 53] that time required that persons should apply at the June Courts for
such licence or if they should apply at any other term their licence should continue not longer
than the June Court following when the same should determine and might be removed, and that
the said Henry Cleyland Baker alleges that he thought his licence would continue to the October
term 1790, and omitted to renew the same at the June Court following the October that he
obtained it, and in consequence of this neglect the said Henry Cleyland Baker was presented at
October Court 1790, and was fined the Sum of Six pounds, And the said Court having in con-
sequence of the indigent Circumstances of the said Henry Cleyland Baker recommended the
remission of the said fine. We do therefore order and direct that the said fine be remitted upon
the said Baker's paying the Costs thereon accruing.
James Brice
H. Ridgely
John Davidson
In Council April 4, 1792
Whereas it appears by the representation of the Chief Justice of the 2d District, and the
two Associates of Kent County that William Pope of the Said County was fined by the said
Court at March term last, the quantity of two thousand pounds of Tobacco for keeping Ordi-
nary without licence, that the said William Pope had kept an Ordinary for several years
previous to the usual [p. 54] time of holding Court in June 1790, and that he took out
a licence at the said Term, which was in force until the usual time of holding June term 1791,
that he went to Chester town for the purpose of obtaining a licence at an adjourned Court,
being ignorant of the abolition of June Court until after the adjournment of a March Court in
course, that when he went to Chester town for the purpose aforesaid the adjourned March
Court was further adjourned, at which last adjournment he did not apply by reason of his
mistaking the day of adjournment, That licence was granted to him at October term last for
which he paid the Sum of three pounds, the said licence to continue in force until March term
last, by which omission the State has lost forty shillings, that he had no intention to violate
the Laws. And the said Justices having recommended a remission of the said fine. The Board