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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1789-1793
Volume 72, Page 239   View pdf image (33K)
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"14 Nov. 1791—ii Nov. 1793" 239

sideration of the slender Circumstances of the Petitioner, his having a wife insane and a
large family to support do direct that thirty five pounds of the said forty pounds be remitted.

Geo. Plater
James Brice
John Davidson
The Council adjourned till tomorrow morning.

Thursday 1st. December 1791

The Council met.

Present as on yesterday.

Commision issued to Charles Frederick Brodhag appointed one of the Coroners of
Allegany County.

Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Elijah Cole Fifty nine pounds three
shillings and seven pence specie agreeably to the "Act to adjust the Debts due from this
State" [p. 10] per Account passed by the Auditor General,

Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Archibald Job Ten pounds, four shilling?

and four pence Current Money due him per Account passed by the Auditor General.
The Council adjourned till tomorrow morning.

Friday 2d. December 1791

The Council met.

Present as on yesterday.

Commision issued to Matthew Driver, Philemon Downes, Zabdiel Potter, Joseph Richardson,
William Frazier, John Hardcastle, Thomas Mason, John Brown, Joseph Nicholls, Joseph
Douglass, Thomas Lockerman, Edward White, Samuel Jackson, Christopher Driver and
Richard Lockerman appointed Justices of Caroline County, and also to

Thomas Hughlett appointed one of the Coroners of said County.

The Council adjourned till tomorrow morning.

Saturday 3d. December 1791

The Council met.

Present as on yesterday.

Agreeably to a Resolution of the General Assembly passed November Session 1791 authorizing
and requesting the Governor and Council to examine the [p. n] Master rolls of the
Maryland line and other Documents that may be offered to them, and to make out in the
name of each person who would have been entitled to the same under the Acts of Congress
or Laws of this State, had application been made in time, the amount of pay or depreciation
of pay that may appear to be due him for his services in the late Continental Army etc.
We do direct the Auditor General to issue Certificates of Depreciation to the following persons
—and to deposit them in the hands of the Treasurer:

Andrew Malone—Corp'l discharged 10 Jan'y 1780—Certificate from Colo. Woolford of serving

three years, dated 8 January 1780.
Bartholomew Callehan—enlisted 7 Decem'r 1776 per Certificate of Col. Gunby dated 4 April



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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1789-1793
Volume 72, Page 239   View pdf image (33K)
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