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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1789-1793
Volume 72, Page 238   View pdf image (33K)
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238 "Journal of the Council"

appearing to the Court then, before the rising of the said Court, to the best of his recollection
the forfeiture was directed to be struck out and the Cause brought forward for trial at the next
Court, but in the hurry of business it was omitted to be done. And three of the Justices of the
said County having recommended the Petitioner as an Object of Clemency—We do direct that
the said fine of ten pounds on the forfeited Recognizance aforesaid be remitted upon the
Petitioner's paying all of the Costs arising thereon

Geo. Plater
James Brice
J H Stone
John Davidson

Commissions issued as follow to

John Bracco, Jeremiah Banning, William Dawson, Woolman Gibson, Hugh Sherwood of
Huntington, Charles Gardiner, Peter Webb, David Kerr, and John Roberts appointed Justices
of the Peace for Talbot County.

John Brown, Clement Lowell, John Fisher, James O'Bryan, John Thompson, Jacob
Ringgold, Arthur Emory, George Baynard, Peregrine Fitzhugh, Abraham Falconer, Henry
Pratt, James Hindman, George Jackson, John Dames, Thomas Roberts, Samuel Thomas,
Solomon Betts and George Findley appointed Justices of the Peace for Queen Ann's County,
[p. 8] Samuel Glenn, Samuel Miller, Elihu Hall of Elisha, William Matthews, Patrick
Ewing, Peter Lawson, Sidney George, Jeremiah Baker, Samuel Evans, Michael Wallace,
Richard Bone, John Miller, William Ward, Thomas Maffitt, Henry Hollingsworth, Nathan
Norton appointed Justices of Caecil County and also to

James Willson appointed one of the Coroners of Talbot County.

The Council adjourned till tomorrow morning.

Wednesday 30TH. November 1791

The Council met.
Present as on yesterday.

In Council November 30, 1791

Francis Mercer of Baltimore County by his Petition sets forth that he was indebted unto
a certain House under the firm of Glassford and Co. that he had satisfied the claim all but a
finall balance and on the 4th and nth of this instant a Sub. Sheriff of the said County came
to his house to lay a fiere [sic] facias on account of and for the full amount of the aforesaid
claim—that he well knowing the Sheriffs Costs would amount to more than the balance due and
the Sheriff wanting to lay a fiere facias for the whole amount, the Petitioner was induced to
prevent the Sheriff from carrying away his Goods and leaving a family of Small Children to
perish, for which offences he was by the Court of Oyer and terminer and Goal [p. 9]
delivery of Baltimore County at November Term instant fined forty pounds on two present-
ments as appears from the Certificate of the Clerk of said Court—he also represents that his
property is taken into execution and is to be sold on Friday next the second December, and by
his Oath it appears that if the above fines are levied upon him they will sweep away the
greatest part of his personal property and that he has a wife who is insane and eight children
the eldest about 16 years of age, it also appears from the representation of Mr. Archibald
Montcrieff in person that his real property is under Mortgage to it's full value. We in con-


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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1789-1793
Volume 72, Page 238   View pdf image (33K)
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