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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1789-1793
Volume 72, Page 237   View pdf image (33K)
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"14 Nov. 1791—11 Nov. 1793" 237

that the said fines be remitted, upon condition that all Costs arising on the said Presentments

and Submissions be paid by the Petitioner.

George Plater
James Brice
J H Stone
John Davidson
The Council adjourned 'till tomorrow morning.

Saturday 26th. November

The Council met.

Present as on Yesterday.

The Council adjourned 'till Monday Morning.

Monday 28th. November 1791

The Council met.
Present as on Saturday.

In Council November 28th 1791

James Durgan of Dorchester County by his Petition sets forth that at March term 1790
he was fined by the Court of Said County three pounds fifteen shillings for selling a Gill of
Rum, that he now [p. 6] is under Commitment and is unable to pay the said fine, that
he has a wife and several Small Children who depend entirely on his personal exertions and
daily labours for their support, and three of the Justices of the said Court with several other
respectable Inhabitants having recommended the Petitioner as a proper object of Compassion.
In consideration of the above Circumstances, We do order and direct a Remission of the afore-
said fine, on all Costs being paid.

George Plater
James Brice
J H Stone
John Davidson
The Council adjourned 'till tomorrow morning.

Tuesday 28th. November 1791

The Council met.
Present as on Yesterday.

In Council November 29 1791

Francis Shields of Cecil County by his Petition sets forth that he at June Term 1790 was
fined in Cecil County Court in the sum of ten pounds on a forfeited Recognizance upon an
accusation of stealing a Saddle—that he trusting to his innocence did attend during the time
of said Court and no proof was adduced against him—that he has a large and helpless family
which depend for Support on his daily labour and if the fine is not remitted the best part of his
property must be sold to [p. 7] pay it; two of the inhabitants of the County having
certified as to his attendance at Court, the Prosecutor having also certified that from reasons


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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1789-1793
Volume 72, Page 237   View pdf image (33K)
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