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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1789-1793
Volume 72, Page 236   View pdf image (33K)
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236 "Journal of the Council"

Thomas Johnson junr. is appointed Clerk [p. 3] of the Council who qualified
as such before James Brice Esquire one of the Aldermen of the City of Annapolis and Certificate
thereof filed.

Jubb Fowler appointed Messenger to the Council.

Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to John Randall Fifteen pounds, ten
shillings and ten pence half penny due him per Account passed by the Aud. Genl.

That the said Treasurer pay to Peter Engells Armourer at Frederick Town Sixty two
pounds ten shillings for Six Months pay due him the 6th. instant.

Ordered that Mr. Peter Engells Arm[o]r[er] at Frederick town be directed to employ
one Workman in addition to two already engaged, in cleaning the Arms in his care and to
continue him in that service until the further order of this Board.

The Council adjourned till tomorrow morning.

Thursday 24th. November 1791

His Excellency George Plater Esquire
The Hon'ble James Brice and

John Davidson Esquires attended.

Friday 25. November 1791

Pres't. His Excellency George Plater Esqr.
The Hon'ble. James Brice, John H Stone and

John Davidson Esq'rs

[p. 4] In Council November 25, 1791

William Banckes of Caroline County by his Petition sets forth that in Caroline County
Court at October terms in the Year 1787 a certain John Bean was presented in four several
instances for selling liquor without licence and was arrested by the Petitioner who was then
Sheriff of the County, that the said Bean being then a resident of the County and apparently
a solvent and settled person and giving his solemn assurances that he would attend the ensuing
Court, the Petitioner confiding in his promises did not require sureties for his appearance[,]
that the said Bean instead of appearing at Court, removed into the Delaware State by reason
whereof the Petitioner was laid under Rule to have the said Bean at Court the next term, that
the Petitioner did thereupon go in pursuit of the said Bean and after undergoing much trouble
and some expences did bring him into the County and offer to put him into the Custody
of the then Sheriff who refused to receive him, and there being no Goal in the County the
said Bean made his escape and has not since been heard of, that the rule af's'd has by the
indulgence of the Justices been extended from term to term until the present October term
1791 when the Petitioner to save further Costs had the matter submitted on which sub-
missions a fine of three pounds fifteen shillings was imposed by the Court on each of the
presentments and the Petitioner became security for the said fines and fees that the Costs and
Fees on the Said Presentments from [p. 5] their long continuance in Court have
arisen to a large Amount and will fall upon the Petitioner. The Board having reason from the
Certificate of the two Associate Justices of the County to believe the facts stated to be true
in Consideration thereof and from the recommendation of the said two Justices do direct


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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1789-1793
Volume 72, Page 236   View pdf image (33K)
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