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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1789-1793
Volume 72, Page 235   View pdf image (33K)
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"14 Nov. 1791—11 Nov. 1793" 235


Folio Volume

14 November 1791—n November 1793

[p. 1] on Monday the 14th. of November 1791 it being the second Monday in the same
month, The General Assembly of Maryland proceeded agreeably to the Constitution and
Form of Government to the appointment of a Governor, when the honourable GEORGE
PLATER Esquire was unanimously elected, Who attended the same day in the Senate Room
and qualified in presence of the Members of both Houses, by taking the several Oaths required
by the Constitution and Form of Government and Laws of this State and by Making and
Subscribing a Declaration of his belief in the Christian Religion.

On Tuesday the 15th. Day of the same month the General Assembly elected the following
Gentlemen, Council to the Governor towit James Brice, Henry Ridgely, Randolph Brandt
Latimer, John Hoskins Stone, and John Davidson Esquires

Wednesday 16th. November 1791

His Excellency George Plater Esquire attended.

John Davidson Esquire appeared in the, Council room, and qualified before Alien Quynn
Esqr. one of the Justices of the Peace for Ann Arundel County, by taking the Several Oaths
required by the Constitution and Form of Government and Laws of this State and making and
subscribing a declaration of his belief in the Christian Religion and also by taking the Oath
tor the Support of the Constitution of the United States. Certificate thereof produced and

[p. 2] Monday 21st. November 1791

His Excellency George Plater Esquire attended.
James Brice and

John H. Stone Esquires appeared in the Council room and severally
qualified before Alien Quynn Esq'r. one of the Justices of the Peace for Anne Arundel County
by taking the several Oaths required by the Constitution and Form of Government and Laws
of this State, and making and subscribing a Declaration of their Belief in the Christian
Religion and also by taking the Oath for the Support of the Constitution of the United States.
Certificate thereof filed.

Tuesday 22d. November 1791

His Excellency George Plater Esquire.
The Hon'ble John H. Stone and

John Davidson Esq'rs attended.

Wednesday 23d. November 1791
The Council met.

Present His Excellency George Plater Esq'r.
The Hon'ble James Brice

John H. Stone

John Davidson Esquires


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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1789-1793
Volume 72, Page 235   View pdf image (33K)
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