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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1789-1793
Volume 72, Page 156   View pdf image (33K)
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156 "Journal of the Council"

[p. 246] Saturday 2Oth. November 1790

The Council met.

Present His Exc'y. John Eager Howard Esquire

The Hon'ble. Henry Ridgely

Randolph B. Latimer

John Davidson

William Hindman

John Kilty Esquires

The Board having considered the Vouchers and Accounts of John Caile Harrison,
deceased, submitted to them by a Resolution of the Assembly, are of opinion that the sum of
four hundred and fifty one pounds ten shillings State Money charged for forty three head of
Cattle, be allowed, and that the charge of seven thousand, eight hundred and seventy five
pounds Continental Money for Wheat, be also allowed, and that under the peculiar Cir-
cumstances of this Case, no Interest be charged upon the balance of the Account due the

The Council adjourned 'till Monday morning.

Monday 22d. November 1790

The Council met.

Present The Hon'ble Henry Ridgely

Randolph B. Latimer

John Davidson

William Hindman

John Kilty Esquires

The Council adjourned 'till tomorrow morning.

Tuesday 23d. November 1790

The Council met.

Pres't. The Hon'ble. Randolph B. Latimer

William Hindman

John Kilty Esquires [p. 247]

Agreeably to a Resolution of the General Assembly authorising this Board to direct the
auditor in the Settlement of the Claims of Robert Britt, Roger Skivington and John
Sheredine late Soldiers in the line of this State, it is Resolved that the Certificates of Major
Smith and Capt. Dorsey produced by Robert Britt be considered by the Auditor as satis-
factory evidence of the said Britts right to Certificates for the depreciation of his pay and
that they be issued to him accordingly, and the Auditor being satisfied by documents in his
possession that the claim of John Sheredine is well founded, it is ordered that Certificates
be in like manner issued to the said Sheredine.

The Hon'ble. Henry Ridgely Esqr. attended.

The Council adjourned till tomorrow morning.


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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1789-1793
Volume 72, Page 156   View pdf image (33K)
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