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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1784-1789
Volume 71, Page 66   View pdf image (33K)
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66 Journal of the State Council, 1784-1789.

In Council 15th. December 1785

Ephraim Collins of Harford County by his Petition, sets forth,
that he is in Goal on a forfeited Recognizance for the Sum of
Ten pounds for his not appearing at last March Court to answer
for an Assault on a certain Isaac Duzan, and that the forfeiture was
occasioned by Indisposition, so that he could not possibly attend the
Court. Three of the Magistrates of the said County having recom-
mended him the said Ephraim Collins as an Object of relief, and two
of them as a very poor Man, This Board taking into Consideration
the Recommendations from the said Magistrates, the Poverty of the
Petitioner, his long Confinement, and his being still liable to be fined
for the said Assault, do order and direct that the said Sum of Ten
pounds on his forfeited Recognizance aforesaid be remitted.

W. Smallwood
Jr. To'y. Chase
James Brice
John Kilty

The Council adjourned 'till tomorrow morning 11 o'clock.

[p 81] Friday 16th. December 1785

The Council met.

Present as on Yesterday.

Commission issued to Thomas Attaway Reeder appointed one of
the Coroners of St. Mary's County.

Thomas Greenfield Resigns his Commission as one of the Coroners
of St. Mary's County.

The Council adjourned 'till to morrow morning 11 o'clock.

Saturday 17th. December 1785

The Council met.
Present as on Yesterday.

In Council 17th. December 1785

John Hemphill by his Petition sets forth, that he was recognized
in the Sum of Twenty pounds for the appearance of a certain Bernard
Foster at Harford November Court 1784 on the Complaint of Joseph
Macnamara and Wife, that the said Foster did appear at the said
Court but thro' Ignorance or some other the like Circumstance did
not give any further attendance, and five of the Magistrates of said
County having certified their Belief in the Facts set forth, and having
recommended him the said Hemphill as a proper Object of Relief.


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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1784-1789
Volume 71, Page 66   View pdf image (33K)
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