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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1784-1789
Volume 71, Page 64   View pdf image (33K)
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64 Journal of the State Council, 1784-1789.

was verbally Summoned to attend the said Election of Sheriffs as
Judge in the place and Stead of Alien Quynn who withdrew: That
upon the Close of the Poll the Subscribers retired to a room with
the ballot box, and the two Candidates who had the greatest number
of Votes were requested by the Subscribers, each to nominate a
Person [p 76] to assist the Judges in counting the ballots,
and Edward Gaither Jun'r. and Nicholas Dorsey were accordingly
appointed and counted the ballots in the Presence of Elijah Robosson
one of the Judges; and John Brice the other Judge was also present
in the room but did not attend the Counting the ballots. Given under
our Hands and Seals this fourth day of November 1785.

Elijah Robosson (Seal)
Jno. Brice (Seal)

Which Election and Return the Board adjudged to be unconstitu-
tional : because the Constitution and Form of Government require
for special Reasons that two Persons be chosen who are eligible and
duly qualified and that the Governor Commission the one so eligible
and duly qualified who has the Majority of Ballots Whereas by the
Justices Return for the said County only one Person is Returned duly
Qualified the other Candidates mentioned in the Return being ad-
judged by the Justices to be disqualified. And this Board are of
Opinion that agreeably to the Constitution the Justices have the
exclusive Right of deciding upon the Qualification of Candidates
for the Sheriffs Office, Whereupon it is ordered that a New Writ of
Election issue for Sheriffs of the said County, and a New Writ issued

So end the Proceedings.

T. Johnson Jr. Ck. Council

[The remaining half of the page and the two following pages are


[p 79] On Thursday the 17th. Day of November 1785 The Gen-
eral Assembly of Maryland proceeded to the Choice of a Governor,
when the Honorable William Smallwood Esquire was elected, and
on Friday the 18th. Day of the same Month the General Assembly
also proceeded to elect a Council to the Governor and Chose the fol-
lowing Gentlemen: Jeremiah Townley Chase, James Brice, Gabriel
Duvall, John Kilty and Samuel Turbutt Wright Esquires.

On the 26th Day of November 1785 His Excellency William
Smallwood Esquire was qualified in the Senate Room, in Presence of
the Members of both Houses of the General Assembly.

Wednesday 14th. December 1785

The Honorable Jeremiah Townley Chase, James Brice and John
Kilty Esquires, elected Members of the Council, appeared in the


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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1784-1789
Volume 71, Page 64   View pdf image (33K)
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