Journal of the State Council, 1784-1789. 63
setting forth that he was under Sheriff to James Horner late Sheriff
of Harford County, by whose order he had collected treble Tax from
the Non Jurors of the said County particularly in the Case of a
certain James Campbell, that he was presented by the Grand Jury
of said County and fined by the Judges of said Court Thirty pounds,
that he is very poor, and unable to pay such a sum and that he has a
large Family of small Children to maintain. The facts set forth in
this Petition being subscribed to by a Number of the Inhabitants
of said County and three of the Magistrates, have induced this
Board [p 75] to remit the fine aforesaid, and do order a Re-
mission accordingly.
Cha. Wallace
Aql. Paca
John Davidson
Sam'l. T. Wright
The Board took into Consideration the following Election and
Return of Sheriffs for Anne Arundel County Viz,
Anne Arundel County ss.
We the Subscribers Justices of Anne Arundel County do hereby
certify that an Election for Sheriffs for the County aforesaid was
held at the City of Annapolis on Monday the third day of October
last and continued by Adjournment from Day to Day until Thursday
the sixth of the same Month: That David Stewart Colo. John
Burgess and Weldon Mercer were Candidates for the said Office at
the said Election; that upon the final Close of the Polls the Ballots
were as follows; for David Stewart five hundred and thirty two, for
John Burgess four hundred and ninety nine, and for Weldon Mercer
two. That upon Examination into the Qualification of the Candi-
dates, it appeared unto Us that David Stewart and Weldon Mercer
were not qualified as the Constitution and form of Government, in
our Judgment, requires; that the said John Burgess is duly qualified.
That at the opening of the Election, John Brice, one of the Sub-
scribers, and Alien Quynn Esquires, two of the Justices of the County
aforesaid were verbally summoned by Richard Harwood Esquire
then Sheriff of the County to attend for the preservation of the
Peace at the Election of Delegates for the County aforesaid, and as
Judges of the Election of Sheriffs: that the said Alien Quynn and
John Brice proceeded to the said Election without Oath, and ap-
pointed Alien Quynn Jr. and Richard Merrikin, Clerks of the said
Elections, who were qualified as such by taking the Oath men-
tioned by the Constitution and Form of Government; that afterwards
Thomas Purdy, Ephraim Ramsey, Archibald Golder and William
Meroney were appointed Clerks of the said Elections and were quali-
fied as aforesaid, and acted alternately as such; that in the afternoon
of the fourth Day of the Election, the Subscriber Elijah Robosson