Journal of the State Council, 1784-1789. 321
instruments, containing the number of Votes for each Candidate for
Representatives of this State in the Congress of the United States
and for Electors on the part of this State for choosing a President
and Vice-President of the United States, should enumerate and ascer-
tain the numbers of Votes for each and every Candidate and person
chosen as Representatives or Electors respectively, and by Proclama-
tion dispersed through the State declare the Names of the six persons
duly elected as Representatives and the Names of the eight persons
duly elected as Electors. We, in pursuance of the directions of the
said Act do by this our Proclamation, declare that by the returns
made to Us it appears that the honorable Joshua Seney, Daniel
Carroll, Benjamin Contee, George Gale, William Smith and Michael
Jenifer Stone Esquires are duly elected Representatives of this State
in the Congress of the United States; and that the Honorable John
Rogers, George Plater, William Tilghman, Alexander Contee Han-
son, Doctr. Philip Thomas, Robert Smith, William Richardson and
William Matthews Esquires are duly elected Electors on the part
of this State for choosing a President and Vice-President of the
United States.
Given in Council at the City of Annapolis under the Seal [p 25]
of the State of Maryland this twenty first Day of January seventeen
hundred and eighty nine.
J. E. Howard
By his Excellency's Command
T. Johnson Jr. Sec'y.
The Council adjourned 'till tomorrow morning.
Thursday 22d. January 1789
The Council met.
Present his Excellency John Eager Howard Esquire.
The Honorable James Brice
John Davidson
Josias Carvel Hall
John Kilty Esquires.
Ordered that the Western Shore Treasurer pay to Benjamin
Wailes Five pounds, twelve shillings and six pence for his detention
here three Days to take with him, and for his delivering, Proclama-
tions to the Sheriffs of Talbot, Dorchester, Somerset and Worcester
Counties and letters to the honorable George Gale and William
Richardson Esquires.
The Council adjourned 'till tomorrow morning.