320 Journal of the State Council, 1784-1789.
Tuesday 20th. January 1789
The Council met.
Present as on Yesterday.
The Council adjourned till tomorrow morning.
Wednesday 21st. January 1789
The Council met.
Present as on Yesterday.
The Council adjourned 'till 4 o'clock P. M.
4 o'clock Post Merediem
The Council met.
Present his Excellency John Eager Howard Esquire.
The Honorable James B rice
John Davidson
Josias Carvel Hall Esquires.
The Board being in possession of returns from all the Counties
and the City of Annapolis, and the town of Baltimore, of the Election
lately held for the choice of Representatives in the Congress of the
United States, and of Electors on the part of this State for choosing
a President and Vice-President of the United States, proceeded agree-
ably to the direction of the Act of Assembly in that case provided to
enumerate and ascertain the Votes given for each person voted for as
aforesaid when it appeared that the Honorable Joshua Seney, Daniel
Carroll, Benjamin Contee, George Gale, William Smith and Michael
Jenifer Stone Esquires had [p 24] the greatest number of
votes as Representatives, and that the honorable John Rogers, George
Plater, William Tilghman, Alexander Contee Hanson, Doctr. Philip
Thomas, Robert Smith, William Richardson and William Matthews
Esquires had the greatest number of votes as Electors, whereupon
a Proclamation was issued in the manner prescribed by the Act afore-
said in the words following.
By his Excellency John Eager Howard Esquire Governor of the
State of Maryland.
A Proclamation
Whereas the General Assembly did by an Act passed at their late
Session, entitled "An Act directing the time, place and manner of
holding Elections for Representatives of this State in the Congress
of the United States and for appointing Electors on the part of this
State for choosing a President and Vice-President of the United
States and for the Regulation of the said Elections," direct, that the
Governor and Council, after having received the Returns papers and