24 Journal of the State Council, 1784-1789.
The Honorable
Aquila Paca, John Davidson, John H. Stone and Sam'l. T. Wright
The Council adjourned 'till Saturday next the 12th. Instant.
Saturday 12th. March 1785
The Council met.
Present as on Wednesday.
A Petition from John Rooney of Baltimore County was laid before
the Board, setting forth, that he was presented to the Grand Jury for
Baltimore County at last January Criminal Court, for keeping a
disorderly House and selling Liquors without License, that being
unable to employ Counsel he submitted his Case to the Court, who
thereupon fined the said Rooney, that being for a long time in an
ill state of Health and thereby reduced to the lowest ebb of Poverty,
is not only incapable of paying the said fine, and having a Family
to maintain, who are in a distressing Situation and in want of the
Common Necessaries of Life, prays that his deplorable situation
considered, the said fine may be remitted, and Seven of the Justices of
Baltimore County Court aforesaid, recommending the [p 28]
said John Rooney as an Object worthy of relief, and believe the
facts to be truly stated, The Board took the Same into Consideration
and did order and direct a Remission of the said fine imposed at the
aforesaid Court.
Aql. Paca
John Davidson
John H. Stone
Sam'l T. Wright
A Petition from Thomas Turner of Harford County was laid
before the Board, setting forth that being a Cripple, deprived of the
use of one Leg and one Arm, and having a large, and encreasing
Family to Support by his Labour, was obliged to apply to selling a
Refreshment to Travellers for the Maintenance of his said Family,
that at the August Court last past being destitute of the means of
procuring License for vending Liquor, he has now become liable
for the Payment of a heavy Fine, prays relief, and three of the Justices
of Harford County aforesaid certifying the facts stated in his Petition
to be true, The Board are of Opinion that he be relieved from the
said fine, and do order and direct a Remission accordingly.
Aql. Paca
John Davidson
John H. Stone
Commission issued to John Merikin Junior appointed one of the