Journal of the State Council, 1784-1789. 19
Present the Honorable
Aquila Paca, John H. Stone, and Samuel T. Wright Esquires.
The Council adjourned 'till tomorrow 11 o'clock.
Tuesday 8th. February 1785
The Council met.
Present His Excellency William Paca Esquire Governor.
The Honorable
Aquila Paca, John Davidson, John H. Stone and Sam'l. T. Wright
Commissions issued to Jeremiah Jordan, Vernon Hebb, Hanson
Briscoe, Thomas Bond, William Kilgour, John De Butts, Henry
Reeder, Thomas Attaway Reeder, Barton Tabbs, Townshend Eden,
James Biscoe [sic], George Bond, Zachariah Forrest, and George
Biscoe [sic] appointed Justices of the peace for St. Mary's County,
and also to Hanson Briscoe, Thos. Bond, Wm. Kilgour, John De
Butts and Zachariah Forrest appointed Justices of the Orphans Court
of St. Mary's County.
The Council adjourned 'till tomorrow 11 o'clock.
[p 22] Wednesday 9th. February 1785
The Council met.
Present the Honorable
Aquila Paca, John Davidson, John H. Stone and Samuel T. Wright
A Petition from Anthony Hook of Baltimore County to the
Justices of Baltimore County Court, was laid before the Board,
setting forth, that he was recognized to appear at the last Criminal
Court, in the Sum of Twenty pounds Current Money to answer
a Presentment for an assault committed on a certain William Stanton,
that at the time of the Court's Sitting, he was confined to his Bed
consequently could not attend, and his Recognizance was forfeited,
Prays the Court will recommend him to this Board for a Remission
of his forfeited Recognizance, and the Justices of the said Court hav-
ing recommended a remission of the said forfeited Recognizance, the
Board are of Opinion the same be remitted and do order and direct
a Remission accordingly.
Aql. Paca
John H. Stone
Sam'l T. Wright
John Davidson
Commissions issued to Walter Hanson, Daniel Jenifer, John Dent,
Warren Dent, Richard Barnes, William Harrison, John Parnham,
Walter Hanson Jenifer, Walter Winter of John, Samuel Hanson