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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1784-1789
Volume 71, Page 181   View pdf image (33K)
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Journal of the State Council, 1784-1789. 181

That the said Treasurer pay to Joseph Nicholls for the use of
Elizabeth Shockey Administratrix of Abraham Shockey late a
Soldier in the Maryland line Ten pounds, five shillings Current
Money Balance of five Months from 1st. August 1780 to i January
1781 per Certificate of Dep'y. Auditor.

The Council adjourned till Monday Morning 11 o'clock.

Monday 16th. April 1787

The Council met.

Present His Excellency William Smallwood Esquire.

The Honorable James Brice

James Hindman

John Davidson Esquires.

The Council adjourned 'till tomorrow morning 11 o'clock.

Tuesday 17th. April 1787

The Council met.

Present His Excellency William Smallwood Esquire.

The Hon'ble. James Hindman

John Kilty

John Davidson Esquires.

[p 219] Ordered That the Western Shore Treasurer pay to
James Low Eleven pounds two shillings and two pence specie agree-
ably to the "Act to adjust the Debts due from this State" per Ac-
count passed by the Auditor General the 9th. instant.

The Honorable James Brice Esquire attended.

Ordered that the Western Shore Treasurer pay to Major Thomas
Hussey Luckett Seventeen pounds Current Money balance of five
months pay due him between the 1st. of August 1780 and 1st.
January 1781 per Account passed by the Aud'r. Gen'l.

That the said Treasurer pay to John Wilmot nine pounds, three
shillings and three pence Current Money due him per Account passed
by the Dep'y. Aud'r.

That the said Treasurer pay to George Churchman Fifty one
pounds Current Money due him for surveying reserve lands in Caecil
County per Account passed by the Auditor General.

That the said Treasurer pay to William Veazy Ten pounds, nine-
teen shillings and five pence specie agreeably to the "Act to adjust
the Debts due from this State" due on two Certificates passed by the
Auditor General the 10th. Instant.

That the said Treasurer pay to the Revd. Mr. Andrew Krug Three
pounds, ten shillings and three pence specie agreeably to the Act


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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1784-1789
Volume 71, Page 181   View pdf image (33K)
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