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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1784-1789
Volume 71, Page 182   View pdf image (33K)
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182 Journal of the State Council, 1784-1789.

aforesaid per Certificate passed by the Auditor General the 3 March


Commissions issued to the following Persons appointed Inspectors

in Talbot County for the year 1787.

Ernersons Warehouse John Thomas
Kingstown Thomas Osmont
Parsons landing Solomon Brincefield
Oxford James Colston
St. Michaels Town John Caulk

In Council April 17, 1787

Peter Heilman of Baltimore County by his Petition sets forth
that having through Misfortunes been reduced to the necessity of
surrendering all his Effects to his Creditors, he thereafter endeavored
to support himself and a large Family by retailing liquors, that at the
Criminal Court held for the said County he was presented for keep-
ing a disorderly house and on his submission at September Term
1786 was fined two thousand pounds of Tobacco for the said Offence,
all which is certified by a transcript of the Proceedings accompanying
the Petition, the Petitioner sets forth [p 220] that being
unable to pay the fine, he has been in Confinement for the same since
October, and his inability to pay it being certified by three of the
Justices of the aforesaid County, the Board in Consideration thereof
and of his Family, consisting of a Wife and eight Children together
with the long Confinement he has undergone do direct that the above
fine of two thousand pounds of Tobacco be and it is hereby remitted.

W. Smallwood
James Brice
James Hindman
John Kilty
John Davidson

The Council adjourned 'till tomorrow morning 11 o'clock.

Wednesday 18th. April 1787

The Council met.

Present His Excellency William Smallwood Esquire.

The Honorable James Brice

James Hindman

John Kilty

John Davidson Esquires.

A List of Letters etc. transmitted to the General Assembly

No. 1. Letter from Governor Caswell... January 12th. 1787.
2. ditto and Journals. Charles Thomson Feb'ry. 2d.


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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1784-1789
Volume 71, Page 182   View pdf image (33K)
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