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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1784-1789
Volume 71, Page 179   View pdf image (33K)
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Journal of the State Council, 1784-1789. 179

in the County, in consequence of which the Petitioner is now in Con-
finement, as well for the Payment of upwards of seventeen pounds
Officers fees as the Amount of the said Recognizances Whereupon
the Board taking into Consideration the large amount of the Expence
which has accrued on the Presentments, and finding the facts set
forth to be certified by three Justices of the Said County, do order a
Remission of the said two sums of Twenty pounds each, and they
are accordingly remitted.

W. Stnallwood
James Hindman
John Kilty
John Davidson

In Council March 15th. 1787

Henry Hagan of Harford County by his Petition sets forth that
at the last November Court held for the County aforesaid he was
presented for selling Spiritous Liquors without Licence, and on sub-
mission was held to have committed the offence and Subjected to the
forfeiture in the Act of Assembly mentioned. The Petitioner pleads
in extenuation of his breach of the Law, that he had purchased a
Barrel of Rum with the intention of procuring licence to retail it; but
before this was done he lost his house and most of his property by
fire, when being much distressed, he offered the said Barrel of Rum
to his Landlord in part payment of his rent; who through compassion
would not take it, but advised him to make a profit by retailing,
which at last his distress forced him to do—that having sold a small
Quantity to Peter Williams, constable, the said Williams presented
him as aforesaid—The Petitioner being thus at the Mercy of the
State, prays a Remission of his forfeiture Whereupon the Board tak-
ing into Consideration the Misfortune recited and Recommendation
signed by five Justices of the aforesaid County, do direct that the said
forfeiture be and it is hereby remitted.

W. Smallwood
James Hindman
John Kilty
John Davidson

[p 217] Ordered That the Western Shore Treasurer pay to
James McHenry Esqr. One thousand five hundred and seventy six
pounds, thirteen shillings and two pence Current Money arising due
on a purchase of Bills of Credit issued by Congress, made by Messrs.
McHenry and Hindman in Virtue of a Contract made with them by
the late Intendant under the authority of a Resolution of Assembly of
31 May 1783.

The Council adjourned 'till tomorrow morning 11 o'clock.


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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, 1784-1789
Volume 71, Page 179   View pdf image (33K)
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