130 Journal of the State Council, 1784-1789.
ings and five pence half penny for Disbursements on the public
buildings to the 5th. instant per Account examined by the Auditor
In Council August 8th. 1786
Francis Bloomer of Baltimore Town by his Petition to the Board
represents that at the last Criminal Court held for Baltimore County
he was fined in the Sum of Seven pounds, ten shillings on two Pre-
sentments for keeping a disorderly house. The Petitioner sets forth
that when the said fines were imposed, he was in Goal for Debt, and
has been very lately released on giving up all his Effects, whereby he
is become totally unable to pay the aforesaid fines, and prays they
may be remitted, whereupon the Board having regard to the Recom-
mendation of three Magistrates of the said County which ac-
companies the Petition, do order and direct that the fines aforesaid
amounting to Seven pounds, ten shillings be remitted.
W. Smallwood
James Brice
John Kilty
Wm. Paca
In Council August 8th. 1786
Andrew Estave of Baltimore Town having by his Petition to this
Board set forth that he entered into a Recognizance at Baltimore
County Court in the Sum of Ten pounds Current Money for the
appearance of a certain Veniere Vestates a french Sailor to give
testimony against a certain Sarah Grouse which he forfeited in
September 1784, That Execution hath issued against him for the
same and that he is now a Prisoner in the Goal of Baltimore County
for Debts which he is unable to pay, the above facts being certified
to be true by three of the Justices of the County, with this addition,
that he is in his present situation owing to his Property being con-
sumed by fire, and they having also recommended him to the Clem-
ency of Government, the Board are induced to remit the said for-
feited Recognizance, and do therfore hereby remit the same.
W. Smallwood
James Brice
John Kilty
Wm. Paca
The Council adjourned 'till tomorrow morning 11 o'clock.
[p 159] Wednesday 9th. August 1786
The Council met.
Present as on Yesterday.
The Council adjourned 'till tomorrow morning 11 o'clock.