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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1681-1683
Volume 70, Page 24   View pdf image (33K)
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                24         Provincial Court Proceedings, 1681.

     Liber W. C. boddyes, Tenn paire of small boddyes, ffifty six pounds of Dropp
                 shott, four peeces of Kendall Cottens, Two Eight quarter bed ticks
                 One hogshead of brandy, a sett of Carpenters Tooles, and a Remnant
                 of Kersey Which said goods were of the Vallue of sixty Two
                 thousand ffive hundred sixty & three pounds of Tobacco as by a
                 particuler thereof hereunto annexed may appeare, All said goods
                 they did Cawse to be duely entered at the Port of Liverpoole and
                 paid the custome and other dutyes for the same, and had received
                 at the Custome house at the Port of Liverpoole aforesaid from the
                 Officer there thereunto appointed sufficient Cocquets for the said
                 goods, And the said Richard Windall After his Arrivall into this
                 Province Upon the Entry of his said Shipp (to witt) upon the
                 Eighth day of March in the yeare of our Lord 1677 aforesaid did
                 produce & deliver to the Officer in this Province appointed & author
                 ized by the Right Honobie The Lord Propry of this Province for the
          p. 406 Entry and Clearing of shippes the said Cocquets and a Certificate
                 of their due Entry and Cleareing at the Port of Liverpoole aforsd
                 According to the Law in that case made & Provided, And they the
                 said John & Marke being upon the Eighth day of March aforesaid
                 in st Georges River in St Maryes County on board the said shipp
                 Liverpoole Marchant posessed of the said goods and Marchandizes
                 as of their proper goods as aforesaid, The said Christopher Rousby
                 as his Majestyes Collector as aforesaid Did seize the said Shipp and
                 all the goods in her for breach of the Act of Parliament aforesaid,
                 and upon the said Eighteenth day of March aforesaid Cawsed the
                 said shipp with her gunns Tackle Amuntion furniture and apparrell
                 & All the goods that were imported in the said shipp (Except such
                 goods as were mentioned in the Cocquets that were delivered in by
                 the said Richard Windall at the time of the Entry of the said shipp)
                 To be By the Court aforesaid for breach of the said Act of Parlia
                 ment condemned, And by Collor thereof did possesse himself of the
                 said goods of the said John and Marke to the Vallue aforesaid
                 Notwithstanding the said Christopher Knowing the said goods
                 to be the proper goods of the said John and Marke and to the
                 said John and Marke of right to belong and appertaine, And were
                 not included in the Judgment of the Court aforesaid as forfeited,
                 They haveing Cocqucts for the same as aforesaid, Yet the said
                 Christopher meaneing and intending them the said John and Marke
                 in this behalfe craftily and subtilly to deceive & defraude The
                 goods aforesaid unto the said John and Marke Although there
                 unto hee hath beene often required hath not delivered, but the
                 same goods afterwards (to wit) The thirtyeth day of March afore
                 said to his owne use did dispose and convert Whereupon they say
                 they are Damnified and have losse to the Vallue of One hundred
                 Thousand pounds of Tobacco And thereupon they bring their suite
                   And the said Christopher Rousby in his Proper person cometh

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1681-1683
Volume 70, Page 24   View pdf image (33K)
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