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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1681-1683
Volume 70, Page 23   View pdf image (33K)
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               Provincial Court Proceedings, 1681.     23

     was read unto him, wch being Read and by him understood The said          Liber W. C.
     Richard Complained him to bee by Collor of ye prmisses in the infor-      p. 405
     macon specified greiviously troubled and unquietted, and that not
     Justly and yet for plea to the said informacon and as to the supposed
     breaches of the act of Parliament in the said informacon menconed
     hee the said Richard sayd that hee was in nothing thereof nor of
     any of them guilty and of this hee puts himself upon the Country,
     and the said Christopher who aswell &c Likewise Therefore Itt was
     comanded the sheriffe of st Maryes County that hee Cause to come
     here Twelve &c by whome &c and who neither &c to Recognize &c.
       Then Upon the said Eighteenth day of March aforesaid came the
     said Christopher Rousby who aswell &c and the said Richard Windall
     by Robert Ridgely his Attorney, and ye Jurors of that Jury likewise
     came (to witt) John Barnes John Baker Thomas Jimes, John Doxey.
     Edwd Horne, Elias Beech, Richard Atwood, Thomas Griffin Nicholas
     Guither, Wm Guither John Evans and John Askin, Who being im
     pannelled sumoned and sworne to say the truth in the premisses Upon
     their oathes did say, They found that there was seaverall hogsheads
     of wines called Clarret imported into the River called st Georges in this
     Province in the shipp called the Liverpoole Marchant Richard Windall
     Comandr of the same shipp, and their rideing att Anchor in the said
     River, and there was noe true Entry made of the said wines before
     breakeing bulke in the said shipp, Therefore Itt was Considered by
     the said Court that the said shipp called the Liverpoole Marchant
     with her gunns Tackle furniture Aminition and apparell, and also
     all the goods that were imported in the said shipp (Except such
     goods as were Menconed in the Cocquets that were delivered in by
     the said Richard Windall at the time of the Entry of the said shipp)
     bee forfeited according to Act of Parliament, as by ye said Comis
     sion and proceedings aforesaid may more at large appeare, And the
     said John and Marke in fact say That they upon the Eighth day of
     October in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred Seaventy
     seaven At Liverpoole in the Kingdome of England did Loade and
     put on board the said shipp the Liverpoole Marchant aforesaid the
     said Richard Windall Comandr as aforesaid seavll goods and Mar
     chandizes of the proper goods of them the said John and Marke to
     be transported to the said Province of Maryland, That is to say)
     Eighty seaven yards of broad cloath, ifourteen peeces of Callico each
     Twenty yards long, ffoure peeces of Callico each Twenty two yards
     long Two peeces of Callico each fifteene yards long, Two Callico
     Quilts ffoure peeces of Colloured Callico each Twelve yards long,
     Two Callico Petticoates, Two hundred sixty three yards and a halfe
     of English Linnen and Diaper, Twenty seaven Ends of ifustian Two
     hundred Twenty seaven yards of Canvas, Two hundred Twenty-eight
     yards and three Quarters of full blew Linen, Two Reames of writeing
     paper, Ninety six Howes Thirty six Axes, Two paire of parragon

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1681-1683
Volume 70, Page 23   View pdf image (33K)
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