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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1681-1683
Volume 70, Page 25   View pdf image (33K)
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             Provincial Court Proceedings, 1681. 25

    and Defendeth the force and injury when &c and prayeth liberty to          Liber W. C.
    imparle hereunto untill next Provinciall Court and it is granted unto
    him The same day is given to the plantiffes Likewise
      Now here at this day to wit the Eight and twentyeth day of Aprill
    in the sixth yeare of the Dominion of the Right Honoble Charles
    Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Dominj 1681 Came aswell the said plan
    tiffes by their Attorney aforesaid as the said Deft his proper person,
    and the said deft sayth That hee is in noe wise guilty of the premisses
    imposed upon him in manner and forme as the same are by the said
    plantiffes declared against him, and of this hee puts himself upon
    the Country: Whereupon the said plantiffes refuse to make any
    farther psecucon against the said Deft in the plea aforesaid Therefore
    It is Considered that the said John Addison and Marke Cordea take
    nothing by their Bill aforesaid but for their false Claime therein
    be in Mercy, and that the said Christopher Rousby may goe thereof
    without day, and also that the said Christopher Rousby Recover
    against the said John Addison and Marke Cordea The sume of
                       pounds of Tobacco for his costs and
    charges by him about his defence in this behalfe Laid out and
    expended &c
      A particuler Account of seaverall goods and Marchandizes seized          p. 407
    & detained by Christopher Rousby Esqr his Majestyes Collector of his
    Customes in this Province being the proper goods and Marchandizes
    of John Addison and Marke Cordea Marchants:

                                        li Tobacco

    87 Yards of broad cloath at 150 Tobacco p yard one wth
     another                              1350
    14 peeces of Callico each 20 yds Long att 6oo p peece  8400
    4 peeces of Callico each 22 yds Long at 66o p peice    2640
    2 peeces of callico Each 15 yards long 900
    2 Callico Quilts                      1200
    4 peeces of colloured Callico each 12 yds Long att 400 p
     peice                                1600
    2 Callico Petticoates                  300
    263 1/2 yds of English Linnen and Diap at 25 p yd one
     another                              6587
    27 Ends of ifustian att 400li Tobacco an end 10800
    227 yards of Canvas at 10li Tob p yard2270
    228 3/4 yards of fine blew Linnen att 1 5 p yard  3432
    2 Reames of writeing paper             300
    96 Howes att—20                       1920
    36 Axes att 20 p ps                    720
    2 paire of Parragon boddyes            300
    10 paire of small boddyes att 50 p paire500
    56li of Dropp shott att 41 p pound     224

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1681-1683
Volume 70, Page 25   View pdf image (33K)
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