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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1681-1683
Volume 70, Page 22   View pdf image (33K)
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                22        Provincial Court Proceedings, 1681.

    Liber W. C. to the Governor or the said Officer by him thereunto authorized &
         p. 404 appointed a true and perfect Inventory Invoyce or perticular of the
                said Seavii goods or Comodities of the said Ships Ladeing, Together
                with the Place or places in wch the said goods were Laden or taken
                into the said shipp or Vessell, as in and by the said Statute hee was
                Required and Enjoyned, but without haveing first delivered to the
                said Governor or the said Officer by him thereunto Authorized and
                appointed a true and perfect Inventory Invoyce or pticuler of the
                seaverall goods or Comodities of the said shipp or Vessells Ladeing
                 the place or places in wch the said goods were Laden or taken
                into the said Shipp or Vessell Hee the said Richard Windall did then
                and there Out of the said shipp or Vessell Unlade divers goods
                and comodities That is to say two hogsheads of ifrench wines, And
                the said Richard Windall did also unlade and Deliver to John Addi
                son & John Reddish seaverall bayles packs & Caskes of goods and
                other European Comodities soc as aforesaid, by him in the said shipp
                imported against the forme of the statute aforesaid in that Case
                made and provided Whereupon the said Christopher Rousby aswell
                for the said Lord the King and the said Governor as for himself
                prayed the advice of the said Court in the premisses, and that the said
                Richard Windall Master or Comandr of the said shipp or Vessell
                called the Liverpoole Marchant might forfeit the said shipp or Vessell
                Wth all her Gunns Tackle Amuntion furniture & apparrell, and all
                the said goods and comodityes according to the forme of the statute
                aforesaid, and that the same forfeiture might be Divided into three
                Equall parts, One third part thereof to our soveraigne Lord the
                King, One third part thereof to the said Governor, and the other
                third part residue of the said forfeiture to him the said Christopher
                Rousby according to the forme of the said statute, And that the said
                Richard Windall might Come into the said Court to answere our said
                Soveraigne Lord the King, the said Governor and the said Christo
                pher, Who aswell well for the said Lord the King and the said Gov
                ernor as for himself in that behalf followed of & upon ye prmisses
                Therefore It was comanded to the said Richard Windall That all
                other things set a part and all Excuses Ceaseing hee should be in his
                Proper person before the Justices of the said Court at the Citty of
                st Maryes ye said Eighteenth day of March aforesaid, To answere
                the said Lord the King the said Governor and the said Christopher
                Who aswell &ca of and upon the premisses, and further to doe and
                Receive what the said Court should Consider of in that behalfe
                under the Penalty of One hundred pounds stert &c Att wch said
                Eighteenth day of March aforesaid Came the said Richard Windall
                into the Court in his proper person to answere ye said Lord the
                King the said Governor & the said Christopher who aswell &c of and
                upon the premisses, and the said Richard Windall by Robert Ridgely
                his Attorney prayed the bearing of the informacon aforesaid and itt

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1681-1683
Volume 70, Page 22   View pdf image (33K)
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