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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1681-1683
Volume 70, Page 21   View pdf image (33K)
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               Provincial Court Proceedings, 1681.     21

     any the said Lands Islands plantacons Collonyes Territoryes or           Liber W. C.
     places should deliver to the Governor of such Land Island Plantacon
     Collony Territory or place, or to such person or Officer as should be
     by him thereunto authorized and appointed wthin foure and Twenty
     houres after such importacon, His and there names and surnames,
     and a true Inventory or particular of all such goods or Commodities,
     And noe shipp or Vessell comeing to any such Land Island Plantation
     Collony Territory or place should lade or Unlade any goods or
     Comodityes whatsoever untill the Master or Comandr of such shipp or
     Vessell should first have made knowne to the Governor of such Land
     Island Plantacon Collony Territory or place, or to such person or
     Officer as should be by him thereunto authorized and appointed, The
     arrivall of the said Shipp or Vessell wth her Name, and the name
     and sirname of her Master or Comandr, and had showne to him
     that she was an English built shipp or made good by produceing
     such Certificate as aforesaid, That she was a shipp or Vessell bona
     fide belonging to England Wales or The Towne of Barwick and
     Navigated one English Master, and three fourths of the Marrinrs
     at least English men, and had delivered to such Governor or other
     person or Officer a True and perfect Inventory or Invoyce of her
     ladeing together with the Place or places in wch the said goods were
     Laden or taken into the said Shipp or Vessell undr the paine of the
     losse of the shipp or vessell with all her Gunns Ammunition Tackle
     furniture & apparrell & of all such goods of the growth produccon
     and Manufacture of Europe as were not bonafide taken in and laden
     in England Wales or the Towne of Berwick To bee recovered and
     divided in manner as aforesaid as in the same statute is more fully
     contained Notwithstanding wch the Eighth day of March aforesaid
     the said Richard Windall Master or Comandr of the shipp or
     Vessell called The Liverpoole Marchant Then rydeing at Anchor
     in the River of st Georges within the County of st Maryes in the
     said Province of Maryland within The Jurisdiccon of the said Court,
     The said statute Little regarding, nor the paines penaltyes and for
     feitures therein fearing, Then and there had imported and brought
     into the said Province in the said shipp or Vessell Divers and sundry
     Comodities of the growth produccon or Manufacture of Europe wch
     were not really and bonafide shipped Laden or taken in, in England
     or Wales or the Towne of Barwick upon Tweede, but were by the
     said Richard Windall shipped or Laden or taken on board the said
     shipp or Vessell in the Kingdome of Ireland That is to say Eighteene
     hogsheads of ffrench Wines called Clarret wth Seaverall other Euro
     pean goods, a particular whereof was thereunto annexed, And also
     the said Richard Windall Master or Comandr of the said shipp or
     Vessell did not upon his Entry of the said Shipp with the Officer
     appointed by the Governor for that purpose or at any other time then
     since and before breakeing of bulke Deliver or Cause to be delivered

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1681-1683
Volume 70, Page 21   View pdf image (33K)
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