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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1681-1683
Volume 70, Page 20   View pdf image (33K)
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               20         Provincial Court Proceedings, 1681.

Liber W. C.     and for the said Governor as for himself Exhibited to the said
                Justices by the said Comission thereunto assigned and Author
                ized, Att the speciall instance request and supplicacon of Richd Win
                dall Marriner late Comander of the shipp Liverpoole Marchant,
                acertained Informacon against him the said Richard Windall,
                Thereby giveing the said Court to understand and be informed That
                Whereas in the statute made in the Parliament of our said Soveraigne
                Lord the King of England &c in the ffifteenth yeare of his Raigne
                At Westminster in the County of Middlesex in the said Kingdome
                of England, amongst other things It was Enacted by Authority of
                the same Parliament That from and after the Twenty fifth day of
                March 1664 Noe Comodity of the growth produccon or Manufacture
                of Europe should be imported into any Land Island plantacon Collony
                Territory or place to his said Majesty belonging, or wch should there
                after belong unto or be in the Posession of his Majesty, his heires
                or successors in Asia, Africa or America (Tangere Excepted) but
                What shall be bona fide and wthout fraude Laden and shipped in
                England Wales or the Towne of Barwick upon Tweede, and in Eng
                lish built shipping, or wch were bona fide bought before the first
                day of October 1662, And had such Certificate thereof as was directed
                in one Act Intituled an Act for preventing of ifraudes & regulateing
                abuses in his Majesties Customes, and Whereof the Master and
                Three fourths of the Marrinrs at least were English, and wch should
                be Carryed directly thence to the said Lands Islands Plantacons
                Collonyes Territoryes and places and from noe other place whatso
                ever, Any Law Statute or Usage to the Contrary Notwithstanding,
                Under the Penalty of the loss of all such commodities of the growth
                production or Manufacture of Europe as should be imported into
                any of them from any other place whatsoever by Land or by Water,
                and if by Water of the shipp or Vessell in wch they were imported,
                with all her Gunns Tackle furniture Ammunition & apparrell One
                third part to his said Majesty his heires and successors, One third
                part to the Governor of such Land Island Plantacon Collony Terri
                tory or Place into wch such goods were imported, If the said shipp
                Vessell or goods be there seized and informed against and sued for,
                or otherwise that third part also to his Majesty his heires and suc
                cessors, and the other third part to him or them who should seize
                informe and Sue for the same in any of his Majestyes Courts in
        p. 403  such the said Lands Islands Collonyes Plantacans Territoryes or
                places where the Offence was Comitted, or in any Court of Record
                in England, by bill informacon plaint or other accon wherein noe
                Essoyne proteccon or wager of Law should be Allowed, And Further
                that Whereas in the same statute made at the same time and place
                aforesaid Itt was Enacted for ye better prevention of ffraudes That
                from and after the said Twenty ffifth day of March 1664 Every
                person importing by Land any goods or Comodities whatsoever into

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1681-1683
Volume 70, Page 20   View pdf image (33K)
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