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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1681-1683
Volume 70, Page 19   View pdf image (33K)
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                Provincial Court Proceedings, 1681.     19

      Philip Calvert Esq Chancellor of this Province of Maryland and Liber W. C.
      one of the Justices of the Provinciall Court Att my house att
      St Peters in st Maryes Citty personally appeared Henry Exon above
      named in his proper person, and did Consent that Judgment should
      passe against him for the said sume of Twelve thousand five hun
      dred thirty two pounds of Tobacco the debt aforesaid, as also the
      Sume of six hundred pounds of Tobacco costs of suite in this behalfe
      Expended, Provided Execucon thereof doe Cease untill the Tenth
      day of October next
      Taken and Acknowledged before me
                                      Henry Exon
      this day and yeare abovesaid
                        Philip Calvert
            The 27th day of Aprill Anno Dominj 1681
        The above menconed Judgment was by the Honoble Philip Cal
      vert Esq Chancellor delivered into Court. and Ordered to be Entred
      Upon the Records of the said Court
                                        Nic. Painter Cl

      Jno Addison & Marke Cordea Memorandum That this Court (to
            agt         witt) the Three and Twentyeth day
      Christopher Rousby Esq   of November in the ffifth yeare of
        the Dominion of Charles &Ca Annocp
      Dominj 1680 Came John Addison and Marke Cordea, of St Maryes
      County Mrchts by Robt Ridgely their Attorney and Exhibited to the
      Court here their Certaine informacon against Christopher Rousby
      Esq one of the Attorneys of this Court in a Plea of Trespasse upon
      the case
        And Whereupon the said John and Marke by Robert Ridgely
      their Attorney complaineth That Whereas at a special Court of Oyer
      and Terminer held at the Citty of st Maryes the Eighteenth day of
      March in the third yeare of his Lops Dominion Anoq Dominj 1677
      before Robert Carvile Walter Hall and Garrat Vanswearingen gentt
      Justices thereunto assigned, By vertue of a Comission issued out of
      his Lops high Court of Chancery bearing date the fourteenth day of
      March aforesaid to them and John Darnall directed, for ye hearing
      and Determining of all breaches of any Act or Acts of Parliament p. 402
      relateing to Navigation or Trade, by whomesoever and whenso
      ever Done perpetrated or comitted within the said Province, The
      said Christopher Roushy Esqr his Majesties Collector of all the
      rates duties & impositions due and payable to his said Majesty
      in Maryland, Who aswell for our Soveraigne Lord Charles ye
      second of England scotland ffrance & Ireland King Defendr of
      the faith &c and The Honoble Thomas Notley Esqr Cheife Governor
      of the said Province of Maryland, as for himself in that behalfe
      followed Came there into Court the said Eighteenth day of March
      aforesaid in his pper pson, and aswell for the said Lord the King

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1681-1683
Volume 70, Page 19   View pdf image (33K)
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