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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1681-1683
Volume 70, Page 14   View pdf image (33K)
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                 14        Provincial Court Proceedings, 1681.

 Liber W. C.     unto the said John Griggs or to his Certaine Attorney his heires
                 Executors Admrs or assignes the full Number of Eighty Deare Skins
                 in their Hayre That is to say fforty of the said Eighty to bee good
                 Sufficient Buck skins, and the other forty to be Doe skins in their
                 Hayre and likewise good, The said skins to be delivered at Mr Rich
                 ard Keanes in Petuxent River on or before the second day of ffebru
                 ary next ensueing the date of the same bill or writeing obligatory,
                 for the wch payment well and truely to be made & done the said
                 Nicholas Hacket did binde himself his heires Executors and Admrs
                 firmely by those presents Notwithstanding wc hthe said Nicholas
                 Hackett the aforesaid number of Eighty Deare Skins to him the said
                 John Griggs according to the Tenor of ye same bill or writeing Obliga
                 tory hath not payd although often thereunto required but the same
                 to pay hath denyed & still doth Denye Whereupon the said John saith
                 he is Damnified & hath losse to the Vallue of ffoure thousand pounds
                 of Tobacco, And thereupon he bringeth his suite
          p. 397 And the said Nicholas Hackett by Kenelm Cheseldyn his Attorney
                 cometh and Defendeth the force and injury when &c and prayeth
                 Liberty to imparle herein untill next Provinciall Court and it is
                 granted unto him the same Day is given to the plaintiffe Likewise
                   Att wch said next Provinciall Court came the said partyes by their
                 attorneys aforesaid, and the said Nicholas Hackett by his said
                 Attorney sayth That the said John Griggs his accon aforesaid against
                 him the said Nicholas ought not to have ffor that hee sayth that ye
                 Consideracon for his the said Nicholas passing the said Bill Obliga
                 tory to the said John Griggs for the said Eighty Deare skins was
                 for onely the sume of Twelve hundred sixty eight pounds of Tobacco
                 for the Payment whereof the said John Griggs gave the said Nicholas
                 a bill of John Boones of Talbot County assigned over by the said
                 Boone to the said Griggs ffor seaven hundred sixty eight pounds of
                 Tobacco upon one Henry Parker as part of payment of the said
                 Twelve hundred sixty eight Pounds of Tobacco to him the said Nich
                 olas wch said Parker departed this Province before the said Nicholas
                 Could receive the Same, Upon wch consideracon the said Griggs,
                 as also for the consideracon that the said Nicholas had paid
                 unto Richard Keene f:or him the said Griggs the sume of ffoure
                 hundred pounds of Tobacco, Came to an agreement with the said
                 Nicholas for the said Eighty Deare skinns, and by agreement be
                 tweene them made the sixteenth Day of July in the yeare of our Lord
                 1678 After the Passing of the said bill, was contented to take the
                 sume of Twelve hundred pounds of Tobacco in satisfaccon of the
                 Same, wch Said Twelve hundred pounds of Tobacco the said Nicholas
                 sayes bee alwayes was and still is ready to pay, and this hee is ready
                 to Averre and prayed Judgment whither the said John his action
                 aforesaid Ought to have
                   And Now here at this Day to witt the thirtyeth day of Aprill in

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1681-1683
Volume 70, Page 14   View pdf image (33K)
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