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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1681-1683
Volume 70, Page 13   View pdf image (33K)
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              Provincial Court Proceedings, 1681. 13

     pute between the said John Watkinson and Thomas Collins, And the      Liber W. C.
     Court finding it Necessary that the said One hundred and thirty
     acres of Land called Marron be laid out according to the Knowne
     antient bounds thereof by some skilfull person by the Discression
     of the Neighbourhood that are most knowing thereof, and that after
     the said Surveyor with the Direction of the Neighbourhood haveing
     Runn out the Lines thereof May retorne a faire Plot & Certificate
     thereof to the next Provinciall Court, so that upon pusall & Viewing
     the same and hearing what Can be said on both sides The Court
     may doe therein what to Justice appertaines, It is therefore by the
     Court this Day Ordered that Richard Peacock gentt Deputy surveyor
     of Talbot County bee and is hereby Especially appointed Empow
     ered and Comanded to Lay out the aforesaid parcell of Land in the
     prsence ye Sheriffe of the said County wch said sheriffe is hereby
     Empowered and comanded to sumon & Impannell a Jury of Twelve
     good and honest men of ye Neighbourhood to goe upon the said
     Land and to sumon & Examine Witnesses Upon oath That the truth
     of the matter and the bounds of the said One hundred and thirty        p. 396
     acres of Land may be fully discovered, And the said Richard Peacock
     is hereby Ordered to Runn the Lines according to the pattent and
     the Direction of the Jury, and to retorne a Certifficate of his pro
     ceedings herein and a faire Plot of the Land in Question to the next
     Provinciall Court to be held at the Citty of st Maryes the fourth day
     of Octobr next That soe his Lops Justices being fully informed of
     the truth of the prmisses may doe therein as to Justice apptaines

     Anthony Dawson & at
         agt        in Ejectmt
James Peterkin
                      Att the request of the Attorneys of both
     sides it is Ordered by the Court that the Order of Resurvey formerly
     granted in this Cawse bee Renewed

    John Griggs Nicholas Hacket late of Talbot County Planter
        agt otherwise called Nicholas Hacket of Tredavon in
   Nicholas Hackett Talbot County Planter was Sumoned to answere
                 unto John Griggs of a plea that hee Render unto
     him the full number of Eighty Deare skins in their Hayre, that is to
     say forty of the said Eighty to be good sufficient Buckskins, and the
     other forty Doe skins, wth to him hee oweth and unjustly Detaineth
       And Whereupon the said John Griggs by Robert Ridgely his
     Attorney sayth that Whereas the said Nicholas Hacket the ninth
     day of Decembr Anno One thousand six hundred seaventy five by
     his Certaine bill or writeing obligatory sealed with the seale of him
     the said Nicholas and here in Court produced whose date is the day
     and yeare aforesaid Did acknowledge himself to be Justly indebted

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1681-1683
Volume 70, Page 13   View pdf image (33K)
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