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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1681-1683
Volume 70, Page 15   View pdf image (33K)
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               Provincial Court Proceedings, 1681. 15

      the sixth yeare of the Dominion of the Right Honble Charles Lord           Liber W. C.
      Baltemore &c Annoq Dominj 1681 Came the said John Griggs by
      his Attorney aforesaid and Offered himself against the said Nicholas
      Hackett in the plea aforesaid. but the said Nicholas Racket came not
      but made default. Therefore It is Considered that the said John
      Griggs Recover against the aforesaid Nicholas Hackett aswell the
      aforesaid full number of Eighty Deare skinns in their Hayre, That
      is to say fforty of the said Eighty to be good sufficient Buck skinns,
      and the other fforty Doe skinns, as also the sume of ffive hundred
      ffifty Eight pounds of Tobacco for costs of suite, and the said
      Defendt in Mercy &ca

     Nicholas Painter  Richard Ladd late sheriffe of Calvert County was
         agt           attached to answere unto Nicholas Painter gentl
  Richard Ladd         clerke of the Provinciall Court, of a Plea of Tres
                 passe upon the case.
       And Whereupon the said Nicholas Painter by Robert Ridgely
      his Attorney camplayneth That Whereas John Burditt late of the
      Citty of St Maryes in the Province of Maryland ye Eleaventh day of
      March 1679 By his Certaine bill Obligatory sealed with the seale of
      him the said John Burditt and here in Court Produced whose date is         p. 398
      the day and yeare aforesaid Did acknowledge himself to owe and be
      indebted unto the said Nicholas Painter in the full and Just sume of
      Two Thousand Eight hundred Twenty eight pounds of good sound
      Marchantable Tobacco and Caske, and also the sume of seaven shil
      lings and six pence Law full Money of England To be paid unto the
      said Nicholas Painter his Executors Admrs or assignes, To the wch
      payment well and truely to he made the said John Burditt did bind
      himsell his heires Executrs and Admrs firmely by those prsents, Not
      withstanding web the said John him the said Nicholas the said Sume
      of Two thousand Eight hundred Twenty eight pounds of Tobacco
      and seaven shillings and six pence in Money although often thereunto
      required according to the Tenor of ye said bill Obligatory had not
      paid but the same to pay Denyed, and ye said John Burdett haveing
      withdrawne himself into Calvert County Thereupon the said Nicholas
      Painter the fourteenth day of August 1680 Sued out of the said
      Provinciall Court a certaine writ of the Lord Propry To the sheriffe
      of Calvert County Directed, By wch writ the sd sheriffe was Comanded
      That hee should take the body of the said John Burdett Otherwise
      called John Burdett of the Citty of St Maryes in the Province of
      Maryland so That hee may have his body before the Justices of the
      Provinciall Court to be held att the Citty of St Maryes the fifth day
      of October then next Comeing To answere unto the said Nicholas
      of a plea that hee Rendr unto him The full and Just sume of Two
      thousand Eight hundred Twenty eight pounds of good sound Mar
      chantable Tobacco & Caske, and also the sume of seaven shillings

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1681-1683
Volume 70, Page 15   View pdf image (33K)
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