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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1681-1683
Volume 70, Page 12   View pdf image (33K)
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                 12        Provincial Court Proceedings, 1681.

     Liber W. C. sixth yeare of the Dominion of the Right Honoble Charles Lord
                 Baltemore &c Annoq Dominj 1681 Came the said partyes by their
                 Attorneys aforesaid, and the said Richard Hill by his said Attorney
                 sayth That he is in noewise guilty of the premisses above imposed
                 upon him, and of this he puts himself upon the Country, and The
                 plt Likewise, itt is therefore Comanded the sheriffe of St Maryes
                 County that he Cause to come here Twelve &c. By whome &c. and
                 who Neither &c. To recognize &c because aswell &c
                   On wch said Thirtyeth Day of Aprill in the yeare aforesaid Came
                 the said ptyes by their Attorneys aforesaid, and the Jurors im
                 pannelled being called likewise came to witt. William Roswell. Joseph
                 Pile. William Longworth Edward Cooke, John Rosse, John Richard
                 son, Henry Griffith. John Phillips Samuel Millington. Philip Lynes,
                 William Robson. & Griffith Jones. Who being Elected tryed and
                 Sworne to say the truth in the premisses, and being Returned into
                 Court to give their verdict upon the Issue aforesaid, The plt although
          p. 395 solemnly called appeared not, Therefore Itt is Considered that the
                 said Thomas Bland take nothing by his writ aforesaid but be in
                 Mercy for his false Claime thereupon, and that the said Richard
                 Hill may goe thereof without day and also that the said Richard Hill
                 Recover against the said Thomas Bland the sume of
                          pounds of Tobacco for his Costs and Charges by him
                 about his Defence in this behalfe laid out and Expended, And the
                 said Richard may have thereof Execucon.

                 Thomas Parker The Deft by Robert Carvile his Attorney appeares
                     agt this Court and Imparles untill the next Provinciall
                 James Clayland  Court

                 John Watkinson
                      agt    In Ejectmt
                 Thomas Collins
                               Came John Watkinson by Robert Carvile his
                 Attorney & Thomas Collyns by Robert Ridgely his Attorney, and
                 this Cawse standing at issue ready for Tryall this present Court,
                 but because it appeareth to the Court here that the same is an action
                 of Ejectment, and that it is Comenced by the said John Watkinson
                 as Lessee of Peter Sawyer & ifrances his wife One of ye daughters
                 and Coheires of Henry Morgan deceased against Christopher Good
                 hand Casuall Ejector, and the said Thomas Collins haveing named
                 him self deft in stead of the Casuall Ejector to try the title to one
                 Messuage Containing One hundred & thirty Acres of Land Called
                 Marron Lyeing on the East side of Chesepeake bay on the North
                 side of a River in the said bay called St Michaels River in the County
                 of Talbot next adjoyning to the Land formerly taken up by Henry
                 Morgan Deceased Called Morgans st Michaels, & being now in Dis

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1681-1683
Volume 70, Page 12   View pdf image (33K)
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