Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679. 5
att or before the tenth day of Novembr next ensuing the date thereof,
for the pformance whereof the said Charles did binde himselfe his
heyres Exrs & Admrs Notwithstanding which the said Charles
Though often thereunto required in his life tyme, the said Sume
of three thousand nine hundred forty six pounds of tobacco accord-
ing to the tenour forme & effect of his said bill, nor the said Richard
& George to whom all and singuler the Goods & Chattles which were
of the Estate of the said Charles att the tyme of his death by the
Honble Philip Calvert Esqr chief e Judge for probate of Wills & grant-
ing Administracons within this Province of Maryland by Letters
testamentory haue bin comitted but the same hitherto to pay have
denyed & still doe deny, whereupon the said Thomas saith he is
damnified & hath losse to the Value of five thousand pounds of
tobacco & thereupon he brings his suite
And the said Richard & George by Christopher Rousby their
Attorney come & defend the force & injury when &c and pray liberty
to imparle hereunto untill next Provll Court & itt is granted unto
them, the same day is given to the plaintiffe also
Now here att this day to witt the Eleventh day of Octobr in the
fourth yeare of the Dominion of the right Honble Charles Lord
Baltemore &c Annoq Doni 1679 came the said plaintiffe by his
Attorney aforesaid and offered himselfe against the said Defendts
in the plea aforesaid, but the said Defendts came not but made
default, therefore itt is considered that the said Thomas Groves
recover against the Estate of the said Charles Gosfright as well the
Sume of three thousand nine hundred forty six pounds of tobacco
debt As also five hundred & forty pounds of tobacco costs of Suite
And the Defendts in mercy
Liber W. C.
p. 5
Gos f rights Exrs
Michael Taney
Michael Taney late of Calvert County otherwise
called Michael Taney of Calvert County in Mary-
land was Sumoned to Answer unto Richard Mar-
sham and Geo: Lingham Execrs of the last Will &
testamt of Charles Gosfright deceased in a plea that he render unto
them one thousand fiue hundred sixty six pounds of tobacco which
from them he unjustly detaines
And whereupon the said Richard & George by Christopher Rousby
their Attorney say, that whereas the said Michl Taney the twentieth
day of April One thousand six hundred Seventy seven by his cer-
taine writeing Obligatory Sealed with the Seale of him the said
Michael here in Court produced whose date is the same day & yeare
above written, did acknowledge himselfe to owe & be truely indebted
unto Mr Charles Gosfright of London Mrchant the full & just Sume
of one thousand fiue hundred sixty & six pounds of good sound
Mrchantable tobacco with cask to contain the same, to be paid to him
the said Charles Gosfright his certaine Attorney heyres Errs or