6 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679.
Liber W. C.
p. 6
Admrs upon the tenth day of Octobr next ensuing the date thereof at
some convenient place in Petuxent river in the County aforesaid,
To which paymt well & truely to be made & done he the said Michael
did binde himselfe his heyres Exrs & Admrs firmly by those prsents,
Neverthelesse the said Michael Taney the said sume of One thousand
five hundred Sixty six pounds of tobacco unto him the said Charles
Gosfright in his life tyme or unto them the said Richard Marsham &
George Lingham Exrs of the last Will & testamt of the said Charles
since his death according to the tenour of the said writeing obliga-
tory though often thereunto required hath not paid, but the same to
pay hath denyed & still doth deny in hinderance of the Execution
of the Letters testamentory to them by the Honble Philip Calvert Esqr
Comissary Gen" of Maryland under the right Honble the Lord
Propry granted, whereupon they say they are the worse and haue
losse to the Value of three thousand pounds of tobacco & thereupon
they bring their suite And the said Richard & George bring here
into Court their Letters testamentory whereby itt may appeare to the
Court here that they are Exrs of the last Will & testament of the
said Charles as aforesaid.
And the said Michael Taney by Charles Boteler his Attorney
cometh & defendeth the force & injury when &c and prayeth liberty
to imparle hereunto untill next Provinciall Court & itt is granted
unto him, the same day is given to the plaintiffes also.
Now here att this day to witt the Eleventh day of Octobr in the
fourth yeare of the Dominion of the right Honble Charles Lord Bal-
temore &c Annoq Doni 1679 came the said plys by their Attorney
aforesaid, & offered themselves against the said Defendt in the plea
aforesaid, but the said Defendt came not but made default There-
fore itt is considered that the said Richard Marsham & George
Lingham Exrs as aforesaid recover against the said Michael Taney
as well the sume of One thousand five hundred sixty & six pounds of
tobacco debt As also five hundred forty foure pounds of tobacco
costs of suite And the Defendt in mercy &c
Gos f rights Exrs
Michael Taney
Michael Taney late of Calvert County otherwise
called Michael Taney of Calvert County Innholdr
was Attached to Answer unto Richard Marsham
& George Lingham Exrs of the last Will & Testamt
of Charles Gosfright deceased in a plea that he render unto them
the just quantity of seven thousand one hundred Eighteen pounds of
tobacco & cask which from them he unjustly detaineth
And whereupon the said Richard & George by Christopher Rousby
their Attorney say, that whereas one Edward Gibbs late of Somrsett
County & the said Michael Taney the four and twentieth day of
April in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred Seventy
Eight by their certaine writeing Obligatory Sealed with the Seales