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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1679-1680/1
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4 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679.

Liber W. C.
p. 4

their Attorneys aforesaid, And the said Defend[t] by his said At-
torney saith, that the said Richard & George their action aforesaid
against him ought not to have, for tha[t] The said John Darnall the
aforesaid Sume of seven thousand Eight hundred ninety six pounds
of tobacco above in the declaracon menconed by the hands of
Thomas Tasker unto the said Charles Gosfright in his life tyme he
hath well & truly paid & satisfied, And this he is ready to averr, &
prayeth judgmt if the said Richard & George their action aforesaid
ought &c Whereupon day is given to both parties untill next Pro-
vinciall Court.
Now here att this day to witt the Eleventh day of Octobr in the
fourth yeare of the Dominion of the right Honble Charles Lord
Baltemore &c Annoq Dni 1679 came the said parties by their Attor-
neys aforesaid And the said John Darnall by his said Attorney saith,
that as to foure hundred forty foure pounds of tobacco part of the
debt in the declaracon menconed he cannot gainsay, for that the same
remaines unpaid, the residue thereof (as appeared to this Court by
the Oath of the said Tho: Tasker which is allowed of as Evidence
by the plts Attorney) being allready satisfied & paid to the said
Charles Gosfright in his life tyme Therefore itt is considered that
the said Richard Marsham & George Lingham Exrs as aforesaid
recover against the said John Darnall the aforesaid Sume of foure
hundred forty foure pounds of tobacco As also five hundred Seventy
six pounds of tobacco costs of suite And the said Defendt from
thence in mercy And the said plts in mercy for their false plaint
against the said Defendt for the residue of the debt aforesaid And
that the said Defendt may goe from thence without a day &c

Tho: Groves
Gos f rights Exrs

Richard Marsham & George Lingham late of Cal-
vert County Exrs of the last Will & testamt of
Charles Gosfright late of Calvert County Mrchant
deceased were Sumoned to Answer unto Thomas

Groves of London Marryner of a plea that they render unto him
the full & just Sume of three thousand nine hundred forty six pounds
of good sound Mrchantable Arranocoa tobacco & cask which from
him unjustly they doe detaine

And whereupon the said Thomas Groves by Charles Boteler his
Attorney saith, that whereas the said Charles Gosfright upon the
tenth day of April in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hun-
dred Seventy & Eight, by his certaine bill or writeing obligatory
sealed with the Seale of him the said Charles & here in Court pro-
duced whose date is the day & yeare aforesaid, did owe & stand
indebted unto Thomas Groves of London Marryner the full & just
Sume of three thousand nine hundred forty six pounds of good
sound Mrchantable Arranocoa tobacco & cask to be paid to the said
Thomas Groves his heyres Exrs Admrs or assignes in Calvert County


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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1679-1680/1
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