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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1679-1680/1
Volume 69, Page 311   View pdf image (33K)
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Provincial Court Proceedings, i6fc/8o. 311

Orchard & Company or by them Sold to Dorrell this Depont Cannot
tell, but this Depont is ready to deliver the same to such pson as Can
give him a legall discharge for the same makeing this Deponent Sat-
is f accon for his Storeidge, and ffurther hee sayth not, Onely this
Deponent sayth that some part of the said salt the said Dorrell
Received and Disposed of, but what Quantity this Depont Knoweth
not, and this Depont hath past a Noate under his hand to deliver the
Remainder to Dorrell when thereunto Requested according to his
fformer order
Sworne this sixth: day of October 1680
Before mee. Wm Calvert
John Whittington of Talbot County maketh oath That this De-
pont haveing occasion ffor some salt, hee this Depont Went to John
Dorrell Master of the Seafflower who this Depont heard had some
salt Lyeing at Mr Mans to dispose of, but the said John Dorrell
sayd as to what was his owne Salt hee had disposed thereof, and
what was there left was none of his owne and hee Could not or
would not dispose of the same till hee had further ordr & when hee
came in againe. This was in the yeare 1678 about ffebruary
Sworne the Sixth day of October 1680
Before mee. Wm Calvert
Which being Read and heard It is ordered that the said James
Derumple & Mary his wife Exx as aforesaid give security unto this
Court according to Act of Assembly in that Case made and pvided,
And that the said Salt soe attached as aforesaid bee thereupon de-
livered unto the said plt3 by the Sheriffe of the County aforesaid
who is to see the same Exactly Measured, Whereupon came the
said James Derumple with George Robins and John Stanley of the

Liber W. C.

County aforesaid his Suretyes and did undertake for the said James
Derumple and Mary his wife in the sume of Tenn thousand pounds
of Tobacco to indempnify this Court against all actions suites or
other matters that may happen touching or Concerning the afore-
said attachment, and the order for the delivery of the same as afore-
said, and Shall make restitucon of the Same or the Vallue thereof
in case the said William Orchard and George Lewen shall by them-
selves or their Attorney within a yeare and a day make their Just
and due defence & proceed on in the said accon in Common fforme.
and make it appeare that the said Plaintiffes is Satisfyed their Just
demands :

p. 283

Walter Dunch
Wm Dorington

Comand was given to the Sheriffe of Dorchestor
County That Whereas att a Provinciall Court held
at the Citty of st Maryes the seaventh day of
March Annoq Domini 1678 in a suite there De-

pending betweene the said Walter Dunch plt & the said William
Dorington Deft the said plt Recovered Judgment against the said


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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1679-1680/1
Volume 69, Page 311   View pdf image (33K)
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