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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1679-1680/1
Volume 69, Page 310   View pdf image (33K)
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310 Provincial Court Proceedings, i6j9/8o.

Liber W. C.

Exix of the Last will and Testament of John Clements deceased in a
plea of Trespasse on the case, Att wcb said Eleaventh day of May
aforesaid the said sheriffe made Returne of the writt aforesaid
That by vertue thereof hee then before Capt Lionell Ripley and
divers others demanded of Mr Edward Mann to Lett him see what
Salt hee had in his Custody belonging to Mr Orchard and Com-
pany & that hee Confessed there was about ffoure hundred busshells
of salt in his Custody wch did formerly belong to Mr Orchard, but
was the last yeare by his order Delivered to Mr John Dorrill, and
that hee the said Edward Man went wth him to the Tobacco house
wch they found Locked, and the said sheriffe demanded the Key
but the said Mann refused to deliver it and said that hee might
Locke in and see the salt. wch hee did, and then in the prsence of the
persons aforesaid hee attached the same wch they guessed to bee
about ffoure hundred busshells for the use of the said James
Derumple and Mary his wife as the Supposed goods of William
Orchard and George Lewen, And It was thereupon further Co-
manded the said sheriffe that by good and Lawfull men of his bali-
wick hee should make Knowne unto the said Edward Mann that
hee bee and appeare here the ffifth day of October then next Ensue-
ing, to shew Cause if any hee had why hee ought not to deliver
into the custody of the said Sheriffe, the said Salt by him attached
as aforesaid, that the same in his Custody might bee Kept according
to the aforemenconed Attachmt wch said ffifth day of October on
wch the said Court was to bee held was by his Lopps writts of Ad-
journment Adjourned untill the three and Twentyeth day of Novem-
ber then next following, On wch said three and Twentyeth day of
November Thomas Vaughan Sheriffe of the County aforesaid made
returne of the writt aforesaid, That by vertue thereof hee hath sum-
oned the said Edward Mann to appeare here as by the said writt hee
was Comanded

p. 282

Edward Mann of Talbot County Marchant maketh oath That
in the yeare 1675 There was Sent and Consigned unto this Deponent
by the said William Orchard William Boddy and George Lewen of
Poole Marchants a Quantity of salt for this Depont to sell and Dis-
pose of for their use, but this depont had noe opportunity to make
sale thereof till the Yeare 1678 Att wth time by the then shipping
this Deponent Received order from the said Orchard and Company
to deliver the same to John Dorrell Master of the Sea Flower who
brought the same in, That this Deponent was Ready to have Deliv-
ered the same salt to Dorrell according to the ordr aforesaid, But
Dorrell not haveing opportunity to sell the same Desired this Depont
to Keepe the Same in his Custody for him till hee Could Dispose
thereof, That the said Salt is Still Remaining in his Custody un-
disposed of. & that hee Cannot tell the Quantity thereof the same not
haveing been Measured, but whether the said Salt bee the goods of

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1679-1680/1
Volume 69, Page 310   View pdf image (33K)
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