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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1679-1680/1
Volume 69, Page 312   View pdf image (33K)
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312 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679/80.

Liber W. C.

deft for One hundred and Twenty pounds Sterl debt and ffive hun-
dred & sixty pounds of Tobacco Costs of Suite, and for that Execu-
tion had not thereupon issued. It was therefore Comanded the said
sheriffe that by good and Lawfull men of his baliwick hee should
make Knowne to the said William Dorington that hee should bee
and appeare here the ffifth day of October in the ffifth yeare of the
Dominion of the Right honoble Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq
Domini 1680 to shew Cause, if any hee hath why Execution should
not Issue forth against him Upon the said Judgmt wch said ffifth day
of October on wch the said Court was to bee held was by his Lopps
writts of Adjournment adjourned untill the three and Twentyeth day
of November then next following, On wch said Three & Twentyeth
day of November Stephen Gary Sheriffe of the County aforesd made
Returne of the writt aforesaid, That by William Stevens Junir and
John Stevens, hee had made Knowne unto the said William Doring-
ton to bee and appeare here as by the said Writt hee was Comanded
Afterwards to witt the ffoure and Twentyeth day of November
in the yeare aforesaid Came the said Walter Dunch by George
Parker his Attorney and prayeth Execution of the debt and Costs
aforesaid, and ye sd Wm Dorington although soe warned being
solemnly Called Came not but made default therefore It is Consid-
ered that the said Walter Dunch have Execucon against the said
William Dorington for the debt and Costs aforesaid, and alsoe five
hundred twenty eight pounds of Tobacco costs of suite Sithence
Layd out and Expended

p. 284 Owen Guither Admr of Mary
Jones Admx of Morgan Jones :
John Rawlings :

Comand was given to the Sheriffe
of Dorchestr County that whereas
att a Provinciall Court held at the
City of St Marys the Eighth day
of October Annoq Domini 1677

in a Suite there depending betweene Morgan Jones deceased p and
John Rawlings late of Dorchesf County deft the said plt Recovered
Judgment against the said Deft for Two Mares Six Shoates and
one barrell of Indian Corne in Eares wth ffive hundred thirty and
Six pounds of Tobacco costs of Suite, and for that Execucon hath
not thereupon issued Itt was further Comanded the said Sheriffe
that by good and Lawfull men of his baliwick hee should make
Knowne unto the said John Rawlings that he should bee and appeare
here the three and twentyeth day of Novembr in the ffifth yeare of
the Dominion of the Right honoble Charles Lord Baltemore &c
Annoq Domini 1680 to Shew Cause if any hee hath why Execucon
should not issue forth against him for the debt and Costs aforesaid
for and in the name of Owen Guither Admr of Mary Jones the
Admx of the said: Morgan Jones deceased On wch said Three and
Twentyeth day of Novembr aforesaid Stephen Gary sheriffe of the


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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1679-1680/1
Volume 69, Page 312   View pdf image (33K)
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